到了九月十月美军来援,日本经过顽强抵抗依然彻底失败。1万5前日本陆军最后只剩3千人。继海军陆军相继失败,下面轮到空军表演了。 关岛 从1942年夏天开始,日军在占领区修建了一系列空军基地。其中一个在关岛上。地理位置如上。其目的是为了阻拦美军增援澳大利亚。1942年7月美军陆海两栖军登陆关岛。他们的目的是占领岛上...
Welcome to a great collection of World War II photographs on the Internet. Experience World War II like you never seen it before by viewing some of the most dramatic photos taken during the war. Contribute to history by posting your comments on each photo. Videos are coming soon. ...
海军的故事省略一下(相比较而言,还是更喜欢步兵,海军空军比较一般) 1940年,the phoney War, 英军调动去了比利时,德法边界。此时法国有一百个division集结在此,却按兵不动。法国基本寄希望于马其诺防线(maginot line),做好了挖战壕持久战的准备。与此同时,苏联进军芬兰。(wiki上写是因为此时苏联逼迫东欧各国签署一...
Soviet Air Force officers, Rufina Gasheva (848 night combat missions) and Nataly Meklin (980 night combat missions) decorated as ‘Heroes of the Soviet Union’ for their service with the famed ‘Night Witches’ unit during World War II. They stand in front of their Polikarpov Po-2 biplane...
网络二战纪实;彩色二战 网络释义
Emperor Sunjong of Korea, Prince Imperial Yeong of Korea, and Crown Prince Yoshihito (future Emperor Taisho) of Japan in Korea, 1907 View of Vulcan shipyard, Hamburg, Germany, circa 1915 Cadet J.J. Clark’s page from the Naval Academy’s ‘Lucky Bag’ yearbook for the class of 1918 (...
British and American troops join with residents of Courseulles-sur-Mer in Bastille Day ceremonies at the town’s War Memorial. Courseulles-sur-Mer was the first town in Normandy to be liberated by the Allies. HMS Howe transiting the Suez Canal, Egypt, 14 Jul 1944, photo 1 of 2 HMS Ho...
World War II is one of the most documented conflicts in history. Millions of photographs and miles of motion-picture film stock provide a rich visual record of its brutal violence and celebrate its martial purpose. Color photography, though not new, had only just become widely available when th...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on World War Ii at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
制片国家/地区:美国 语言:英语 上映日期:2003 IMDb:tt0915733 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 看过 评价: 写短评 写影评 分享到 推荐 The Perilous Fight: America's World War II in Color的演职员· ···(全部 2) Polly Bide制片人 Adrian Wood制片人