World War I (1914 - 1918), also known as the First World War, was a global war originated in Europe. Before 1914, European countries were divided into two sides. On one side were Britain, France, Belgium and Russia. They were called the Allies. On the other side were Germany, Austria...
This led to increased demands for the outlawry of war, that war should no longer be considered as a legitimate means of politics but as a crime, and propaganda on both sides tried to depict the enemy as a criminal. The Second World War further strengthened the view that war was a crime...
Since the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815, there had been several regional conflicts in Europe, but there had not been a general war (one that involved all of the major European powers). Between 1815 and 1914, the most powerful nations of Europe had coexisted in an arrangement called ...
World War Two 1918:World War One Ends (See Main Article:World War One – End of WW1) By 1918 there were strikes and demonstrations in Berlin and other cities protesting about the effects of the war on the population. The British naval blockade of German ports meant that thousands of peopl...
So this was an unknown quantity — but then, so was the very first neglected book I ever discovered, which was also a novel about World War One: W. V. Tilsley’s Other Ranks. Like Other Ranks, Soul Wounds opens in media res. Hagen, an infantryman, is slogging through the mud and ...
Another surprising but very common scene from World War 2 was soldiers posing with the bodies of people they had just killed. This was from the Rape of Nanking, but similar images exist from throughout the war, and from both sides. Here, a Finnish soldier prepares to execute a smiling man...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含which of the following was not a major cause of World War I?、which country was not a member of the triple alliance?、what was the name of the group that conspired to assassinate the arch Duke Franz Ferdinand?等詞語及更多內容的單詞
In all, we offer biographies of 161 men and women, the last of whom died in 1980, in two sections, alphabetically; there was just too much data to put all of this into one document. The biographies below are Green-Wood’s tribute to the men and women who served in World War I—as...
This pattern of attack and counter-attack continued for the first two years of the war and meant that the Eastern Front changed position as the land was captured and lost by both sides. By 1917, the Russian people were fed up and demoralized by the huge number of Russian losses. The ...
The underground war fought on the Western Front and at Gallipoli has been, until recently, a rather overlooked aspect of WW1. With both sides facing stalemate, above ground tunneling and detonating vast mines beneath enemy trenches became one way to try breaking the deadlock. Both sides deployed...