Current Build: v1.2.6.9 [REVAMPED]当前版本:v1.2.6.9【翻新】Tuning Pack ___Major Changes:...
If there’s one thing the World War Z game franchise is known for, it’s throwing massive hordes of zombies at you. We took that design philosophy to heart as we set to launch World War Z: Aftermath’s long-awaited Horde Mode XL update. ...
Tour of Duty: Undermine (New) Earn 1000 honor in Undermine while in War Mode. 10 points. Account Wide. Misc Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Char Customization Options Body (Dragonriding) Color - Green (New) Color - Red (New) Decal - Alliance - Name changed from "Top Decal -...
Surviving Horde Mode in World War Z Horde Mode doesn't shy away from upping the challenges with each progressive round. Players will need to think ahead and plan what to do next. Communication is essential and being properly geared up in accordance with the classes' strengths will ultimately ...
以4K分辨率60幀的超高畫質暢快遊玩。在全新的Horde Mode XL遊戲模式中,迎戰強度不斷升級的無盡僵屍浪潮,消滅螢幕上數量遠超螢以往的嗜血僵屍。Horde Mode XL模式會在《末日之戰:劫後餘生》發佈後更新在PS5平台上,無需額外付費即可體驗! 深化成長機制,盡享全新視角 ...
在全新的Horde Mode XL游戏模式中,迎战强度不断升级的无尽僵尸浪潮,消灭屏幕上数量远超以往的嗜血僵尸。深化成长机制,尽享全新视角在《僵尸世界大战:劫后余生》中体验让人心跳加速的全新第一人称视角。升级八个专属职业,分别是枪手、叛逆者、劈砍者、医疗兵、修理师、歼灭者、无人机大师以及新增的尖兵,每个职业都有...
游戏名称:僵尸世界大战 英文名称:World War Z 游戏类型:第三人称射击类(TPS)游戏 游戏制作:Saber ...
🎉 RUINED Part 2 DLC: Free, Thrilling, and Here! Explore 3 new maps, experience an innovative game mode, and enjoy enhanced visuals/audio. Your journey continues with an epic storyline. Let's dive in! - RonStar Studios
World War Z: Aftermath Upgrade HK$154.00 描述 《末日之戰:劫後餘生》是一款製作精良的合作類僵屍射擊遊戲,遊戲的靈感源自於派拉蒙影業公司拍攝的熱門影片,同時也是對《末日之戰》的再度升級,原作吸引的玩家高達2000萬之多。玩家可在PC和主機端跨平台遊戲,對抗成群結隊的僵屍,拯救僵屍圍城的殘破世界。你可以邀請最...