World War II, also known as The Great Patriotic War, was a global set of conflicts beginning in 1931 in Asia, 1935 in Africa, and 1939 in Europe, all lasting until 1945, in which the Allied powers, led after the Fall of France by the British Commonwealth, and including the United Stat...
World War II began in 1939 as a conflict between Germany and the combined forces of France and Great Britain and eventually included most of the nations of the world before it ended in August 1945. It caused the greatest loss of life and material destruction of any war in history, killing...
Via Wikipedia:“Texas’s service with the Grand Fleet consisted entirely of convoy missions and occasional forays to reinforce the British squadron on blockade duty in the North Sea whenever German heavy units threatened.” “But it’s actions in World War II made it a naval legend.” Lots ...
ww2dbaseWhile this brutal war (in which mass-murder of civilians was not unheard of) waged on, the regional conflict posed significant consequences in the European political theater. Bathed in a pacifist dream, Britain froze all Spanish assets in Britain as a sign of neutrality. This dealt a ...
War, the Winter Offensive contributed greatly to the Allied cause. The Winter Offensive became the start of a long occupation of China that tied down many Japanese divisions in the vast country. Consequences would later become more evident when the men garrisoned in China could also have been ...
SECTION IIPRISONERS OF WAR CAMPSArt. 9. Prisoners of war may be interned in a town, fortress or other place, and may be required not to go beyond certain fixed limits. They may also be interned in fenced camps; they shall not be confined or imprisoned except as a measure indispensable ...
Malygos's plan, to remove all magic from Azeroth, would have disastrous consequences for the entire world. Such catastrophes would cost countless lives, much more than all those that have fallen during the Nexus War. Thus Alexstrasza - the leader of the Red Dragonflight - has called upon ...
World War 2 World War I World War II World Wide Web world without end world-beater world-class worldliness worldling worldly worldly belongings worldly concern worldly good worldly goods worldly possession worldly possessions worldly-minded worldly-wise world-shaking world-shattering ▼ Full browser ?
The EU, the UK, and Israel all seem to want war, and they would like the US to help them. Figure 12. Oil consumption per capita for the EU, the UK, and Israel, based on data of the 2024 Statistical Review of World Energy, published by the Energy Institute. In 2023, US per-cap...
The word existed before World War II and means "a burnt offering," or something consumed by fire. The word Holocaust is considered by most authorities as specific to the Jewish destruction by Germany because of the cremation of the dead in ovens and because of the religious implications of ...