upsc previous year question papers current affairs upsc notes pdf ias mock tests ncert notes pdf 100+ difference between articles for revision all india radio spotlight for upsc world wide fund for nature history founded on 29th april 1961. its precursor organisation was the conservation foundation....
upsc previous year question papers international relations questions from upsc mains gs 2 upsc notes pdf ias mock tests ncert notes pdf 100+ difference between articles for revision the context: completion of ‘palmyra time and space’ – it is a geo-information system being created by st ...
From a war-fighting perspective the most important step that we take going forward, and the one that we need to do the quickest, is to establish a US Space Command as a combatant commander. The Air Force is the US military branch that currently has responsibility for space....
In its trade war with China, the United States wants to pump up a banding of nations. India has been a major partner of the United States and it has had naval exercises with the United States; India has also had naval exercises with countries such as Japan, Vietnam, etc. several times...