As long as there are humans, there will always be war, and as long as there’s war there will be war movies. Previously, I tackled a list of the bestIraq War moviesand this week I’ve decided to take on the best World War 2 movies of all time. While war might be more complicat...
A lavish romantic drama that charts the lives of three different women from different backgrounds, forever changed when they emigrate to New Zealand as war brides. Lili Marleen One of Fassbinder's greatest commercial successes, Lili Marleen was also one of his last films. Lili Marleen is the st...
VOL. 6: FULL FATHOM FIVE From the earliest days of the war, the American submarine fleet was crucial to the success of in- terdicting Japanese convoys and defending strategic locations such as the Panama Canal. The fac- tories in Japan were totally reliant upon the shipping of resources ...
A captured German tank during World War I. New Zealand official photograph. The Reich's tank doctrine as of 1939 was bewegungskrieg, or “War of Movement.” The British media quickly slapped the name "Blitzkrieg" (lightning war) on this during the fall of France in 1940. German tanks gai...
A film about the Battle of Crete: The British cinema produced many propagandist, flag-waving war films glorifying their “finest hour” of battle against Germany and Japan, including the inspiring “In Which We Serve” (1942) about a valiant crew of a British destroyer (HMS Torrin) during ...
Inthefaceofthecruelwar,"living"istheabsolute principle. 7."thunderofwar"(WhenTrumpetsFade,theUnitedStates, 1998) Tellyouakindofantiheroismbattlefieldsurvivalway. 8."SavingPrivateRyan"(SavingPrivateRyan(SavingPrivate Ryan),theUnitedStates,1998) ...
The World Wars: Créé par Christie McConnell. Avec Maximilian Klas, Ian Beyts, Jacopo Rampini, Jonathan Hartman. A look at both World Wars and what the biggest names in history did during each war and the time in between.
Of course I went through the watching-war-films phase, and the button-counting and badge-checking and predictable-self-righteous-indignation-when-something-was-wrong phase. But over time I think – and hope – that my motivation for ‘doing’ history has grown up somewhat. Accuracy is great,...
However, a war profiteer seeking to exploit the chaos sets out to capture them to escalate the situation. In the Hamster & Gretel episode "The Earworm", Dave Grant-Gomez reminisces about visiting the Big Big World ride at Diddyland, much to the dismay of his family ("Sorry, I forgot ...
A Brief History of Cold War Nuclear Developments During World War II, while German research resources were largely invested in developing the V-1 and V-2 guided missiles, similar investments were being made by the United States and selected allies in producing the ultimate bomb through the ...