(30*62.5))) round 2}} |- | 75 || Legendary [[quality]] [[EMP launcher]] || {{Ticks|30*75}} || {{Ticks|0}} <!--{{Ticks|2200-(30*75)}} is less than 0 --> || 100% |} Any amount of EMP damage will also: * Inflict [[brain shock]] on pawns with brain implants ...
Nonetheless, imagine an alternative global economy in which the USSR was part of the GATT during the Cold War: say, after Russia invaded Hungary in 1956, or after the Sputnik launch in 1957, or after the Cuban missile crisis in 1961. Would it have been politically possible to sustain a gl...
FactionToggleAtWar(index) - Toggle the At War flag for a faction. GetFactionInfo(index) - Gets details for a specific faction/faction header. GetNumFactions() - Returns the number of lines in the faction display. UnitFactionGroup("unit") - Returns the faction group id and name of the ...
The Senate, among other things, elects the magistrates of the Constitutional Court and the Inspector General (Procurador General), approves the resignations of the President and Vice President, allows the transit of foreign troops and authorizes declarations of war. The House’s exclusive powers are...
on the hunt, moved through the republic of venice and the rise of the american railroads, and concluded with the crowning success of ethereum. history had taught him to place his faith in technology over the tug-of-war called politics, but he nevertheless liked the political climate in zug...
Even when most of these people had already passed away and the war had ended almost 60 years ago, she was still concerned with the well-beings of the 2,500 children she saved, giving credits to everyone (she rattled off a long list of other rescuers and their roles) who had helped in...
This leaves him with no records and hence he does not appear on the Singapore Memorial at Kranji nor the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s (CWGC) database or nominal roll, unlike the other 4 named soldiers presented here.” In battle, the Cambridgeshire Regiment and the Suffolk Regiment ...
As two of us could speak Russian, we were on several occasions able to talk to the peasants and Russian prisoners-of-war. We also contacted the medical personnel of the Polish Red Cross, who co-operated at the exhumation, and were specially detailed to identify the bodies, make nominal ...