World War II, also known as The Great Patriotic War, was a global set of conflicts beginning in 1931 in Asia, 1935 in Africa, and 1939 in Europe, all lasting until 1945, in which the Allied powers, led after the Fall of France by the British Commonwealth, and including the United Stat...
17 When it comes to the Second World War and the commemoration of its victims and heroes, any interpretation ex cathedra is especially contested.18 This can be seen in particular when a museum takes on the hybridized goal of representing history and commemorating the past, or when a memorial ...
But unlike other books about the early years of Germany’s recovery from the war, such as James Stern’s The Hidden Damage (1947) and The Smoking Mountain (1951), this book is as much about survival under the Nazis as it is about survival after their downfall. That the Hofmanns made i...
Based in the Central Business District, National World War II Museum is one of the most popular attractions of New Orleans. The museum reveals the story of the World War II right from its outbreak in 1939 until Germany's and Japan surrender in 1945. The four interactive galleries in the mu...
Amsterdam is a world-famous tourist destination, housing history, culture, art, and beautiful nature. With its incredible canal system, and its extremely narrow, 17th century houses, this city is the grand capital of Netherlands. Shutterstock Rent a bike and ride around the city, ...
Introduction by Bruce Bolinger For the last sixteen years I have been researching the aid given to downed Allied airmen by the Resistance during World War II in The Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Most of my research has concentrated on three subjects
I was deep into their first war... by Adam Abou-Nasr - October 13, 2015 Remembering Camp Hyrule The King Nintendo Fanboy remembers a lost Nintendo tradition in honor of its 20th anniversary... by Justin Berube - August 26, 2015 Nintendo World Championships 2015: Nothing But Luck Coul...
2 Stalin also negotiated, with Beneš, the last western Soviet annexation after the war: Subcarpathian Ruthenia. Stalin, Molotov and the Soviet diplomats did their best to improve and redraw the borders of their countries while expanding the Soviet Empire. In spring 1948, a range of agreements...
international business relationships; one such former building complex, at 417m (1368 ft), the tallest in the US, stood in Manhattan, New York, from 1974 until its destruction on September 11, 2001, in which 2,750 people died; reconstruction of the complex began in 2002. Abbreviation:WTC(...
In war there is no easy way. The grinding tracks of the Battalion’s tanks trailed blood through the ·sand, rolling inland off the beach. The whole war in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany was ahead of them.”[2] And for the men of the 743rd’s Dog Company, ahead there would...