World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, killing an estimated60 million people worldwide. Each one of those people, as well as the ones who survived, all had their own stories to tell; a handful of those get turned into movies. Indeed, there is an endless amount of mov...
-[MINECRAFT - HIDE AND SEEK] 14:01 He Had NO CLUE I Was In HIS SECRET 14:42 Ice Cold Kiss - Minecraft Murder Mystery :Roleplay 19:22 Ein's MyStreet Pranks - Mystreet SideStories Live-Roleplay 14:33 Chibi Things Get Scared - MinecraftStory Roleplay 13:58 That's NOT My NEIGHBOR ...
THE LIPSTICK BUREAU is a World War II-era historical fiction loosely based on a true story。Overall, THE LIPSTICK BUREAU is a book I can say, is just a bit too long。 It is the story of Niki Novotna, a fictionalized version of famed WWII spy Barbara Lauwers。 I enjoyed the ...
■ The Crumbling Global Membrane – Part 2■ Post-War New World Map; Canada, Greenland■ The Turning Is Here – War Before Peace■ US democracy is fiction■ The Death of President Carter, the Turning■ Trump – Zionist Foreign Policy, bomb Iran■ Moon Base■ Drones appearing over sites ...
Ukrainian Canadian author Marsha Skrypuch writes–as one interview said–“War Fiction: Writing the stories that haven’t been told.” She writes about genocide and displaced persons with an eye toward well-researched historical detail often given a personal touch through interviews with survivors wh...
Fact, Fiction in Eerie Spy WorldROOTING THROUGH the stack of dog-eared favorite paperbacks lastweek, I had been caught for...Grimes, Charlotte
has always held a certain fascination. Derring-do, cloak-and-dagger, betrayal, violence and death have always made good entertainment. But, as is often the case, truth can be far more exciting than fiction. With that in mind, here are six truly remarkable female spies from World War II....
Fascinating stories of secret maps used by prisoners of World War II. The creation of MI9 in December 1939, the rationale for the new military intelligence branch and the context of the history of military mapping on silk is outlined. The map production programme is described, together with ...
Each experiences the war in a different way, illustrating the complex and divided loyalties of the Flemish people during German occupation. Dr. Boesman believes the Germans will win and that he may at last gain a professorship at the University of Ghent, till now denied to Flemish speakers....
This is a straight up good spy/war thriller。 I was expecting a policy wonkish kind of book but this didn’t turn out to be it。 There must be a ghost writer in the background or something。 Part of what made it suspenseful is that it seemed so real。 Given the background of...