World War II began in 1939 as a conflict between Germany and the combined forces of France and Great Britain and eventually included most of the nations of the world before it ended in August 1945. It caused the greatest loss of life and material destruction of any war in history, killing...
LocationPrimarilyPearlHarbor,HawaiiTerritory,UnitedStatesResult1.Japanesemajortacticalvictory2.UnitedStatesdeclarationofwarontheEmpireofJapan.3.GermanyandItalydeclarewarontheUnitedStates.Normandylandings 诺曼底登陆1944年6月,美英盟军在法国诺曼底登陆,从西线逼近德国,苏军也在东线发动猛攻。欧洲第二战场的开辟使德国从此...
(日本突袭) 日本轰炸珍珠港 将美国卷入战事 Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor, dragging America into the war. 我要求国会宣布 I ask that the Congress declare 进入战争状态 a state of war. 日本正式宣战 Japan has announced a formal declaration of war. 今早关于日本进攻泰国及香港的新闻 This morning's ...
9、 War (1939 - 1945) s scale was the biggest through the history of human society. And the casualties were the most serious. And damage of this war was the biggest and global. At the high point of the war, there were 60% countries to enter the war, the flames of war spread to ...
JapanhasbombedPearlHarbor,draggingAmericaintothewar. 我要求国会宣布 IaskthattheCongressdeclare 进入战争状态 astateofwar. 日本正式宣战 Japanhasannouncedaformaldeclarationofwar. 今早关于日本进攻泰国及香港的新闻 ThismorningsnewsofJapanattacksonThailandandHongKong. 西方世界中欧洲已几乎全数落入轴心国掌控 IntheWes...
prompted Germany and Italy to declare war on the U.S. on December 11, which was reciprocated by the U.S. the same day. 2. Date December 7, 1941 Location PrimarilyPearl Harbor,Hawaii Territory, U.S. Result Japanese major tactical victory U.S. declaration of war on the Empire of Japan...
WORLD-WAR-II-2英语PPT Madeby:郭玉超,张兴鹏常壮,张晨亮王昌阳,朱允文 1 TheBriefintroduction WorldWarII,ortheSecondWorldWarAglobalmilitaryconflictTwoopposingmilitaryalliances:theAlliesandthe Axis.Themostwidespreadwarinhistory.Thedeadliestconflictinhumanhistory.2 ROOTCAUSE WorldWarIIbrokeoutbecauseoftheimbalance...
*Resulted in the US declaration of war on JapanAfter this attack, the Japanese attacked the Philippines Invasion of Philippines and the Bataan Death March -December 1941-Japan was the one who created the planThe Japanese were trying to remove American power and control from the Pacific realm.-...
WORLD_WAR_II 2英语PPT Madeby:郭玉超,张兴鹏常壮,张晨亮王昌阳,朱允 TheBriefintroduction WorldWarII,ortheSecondWorldWarAglobalmilitaryconflictTwoopposingmilitaryalliances:theAlliesandtheAxis.Themostwidespreadwarinhistory.Thedeadliestconflictinhumanhistory. ROOTCAUSE WorldWarIIbroke...