USCGC Eagle remains an active training ship for the US Coast Guard at the time of this writing in 2021, and is one of only two active commissioned sailing ships in the US military (the other being US Navy's USS Constitution).Source: Wikipedia...
This one featured the history of what was happening on the home front during that war. You begin your tour with a video located in the first of two buildings that you can visit.Some subjects presented were the sinking of ships by U-boats of...
but I was scared a lot of the time and had it a lot tougher than a lot of service troops. I had seen enough to make me sick of war and everything about it. The only thing I missed about it was all the good friends I made. ...
This chilling observation by Laurie Lee forms the epigraph to A Significant Experience, Gwyn Griffin’s story of the persecution and torture of a naïve young man — really a boy — by the officers of a British Army training base in Egypt during World War Two. It was a setting Gwyn Grif...
Liberty shipEnglishModular American cargo ship that was mass-produced in great quantities during the war lighterEnglisha small barge-like vessel used for loading and unloading ships from the offshore side, and for transporting cargo locally about the harbor ...
Filmed by the US Coast Guard. The War in Europe: 25 episode series recounts the World War-2 campaigns in Europe from the rise of Nazi Germany to the final victory. 1) Prelude to War! ! ! ! 2) America's Unpreparedness! ! 3) America Goes To War! ! ! 4) Platform for Invasion!
World War II Database Spencer Contributor:David Stubblebine ww2dbaseThe seven United States Coast Guard Treasury-class cutters were named for Secretaries of the Treasury, and so they are sometimes called Secretary-class or 327-foot class. This method for naming a class of ships differs from the ...
Cruiser Köln completed training in the North Atlantic. [Köln | CPC] Admiral Erich Raeder presented to Adolf Hitler German Navy's plan for conducting war against Poland in the Baltic Sea and against Britain and France in the Atlantic Ocean. [Start of the Battle of the Atlantic | CPC] ...
Horrible World War 2 Images There are a lot of truly gruesome photos from World War II, as I have written about elsewhere. Here, for instance, is a photo of the instant of death of a young German soldier in 1943. This was not an unusual event, but the timing of the photograph...
ww2dbaseThe destroyer Cummings was one of the six "New Deal" ships built for the United States Navy and Coast Guard. That means the ships were paid for entirely with funds from the Public Works Administration (PWA), a federal component of The New Deal designed to provide work during The ...