Movies can serve as windows into the past, preserving and immortalizing pivotal global moments and personal stories, too.World War IIwas one such moment, a harrowing and unforgettable chapter in our planet's history that has been a recurring narrative backdrop in cinema.Warfilms often offer a ...
Also ranks #6 on The Most Pretentious Movies Ever Made 9 The Aftermath Keira Knightley, Alexander Skarsgård, Jason Clarke 184 votes Set in post-war Germany during the aftermath of World War II, this remarkable drama follows a British colonel and his wife as they navigate their strained rela...
Also ranks #6 on The Most Pretentious Movies Ever Made 9 The Aftermath Keira Knightley, Alexander Skarsgård, Jason Clarke 184 votes Set in post-war Germany during the aftermath of World War II, this remarkable drama follows a British colonel and his wife as they navigate their strained rel...
the Blitz drew to a close, as the Führer turned his attention eastwards. The sinking of the German battleship, the Bismarck, lifted the spirits of the British Navy, and as Hitler's campaign for Russia, code-named Operation Barbarossa, got underway, the course of World War II veered dramat...
World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, killing an estimated 60 million people worldwide. Each one of those people, as well as the ones who survived, all had their own stories to tell; a handful of those get turned into movies. Indeed, there is an endless amount of ...
The focus here is the fall of Tobruk and the aftermath, the last really significant Allied loss of the War. A straggling American tank crew retreating ("we're not running away") into the desert picks up a motley crew Allied soldiers (French, British, South African, Sudanese) and two ...
By the late 1950s, the conflict had made its transition to television with series like Combat Sergeant, Navy Log, and The Twilight Zone using the war for memorable plots, and the medium was just getting started. Like the movies that came before, the long-storied plethora of World War II...
The Man Who Saved the World: Directed by David O'Neill, Gareth Lewis. With Damian Lewis, Ronald Reagan, Andrius Paulavicius, Oleg Gordievsky. At a time when the Cold War spying game was in full swing, Oleg Gordievsky was one of the KGB's rising stars...a
it’s not surprising that we’ve still got plenty of untold stories that often pop up from every angle. This time, the war dramaOne Lifewill tell the true story of a British man who managed to save hundreds of children as the Nazis started to take over Czechoslovakia, asDeadlinereveals....
ULFZANDER210last years of the war the demands of the Allies took priority. Consideringthis, one can say, as a starting point, that in all three countries the films,like history writing in general, show markedly different features.While especially American, German, British, French and Soviet war...