‘Secure the volume: vertical geopolitics and the depth of power‘, coincides with a short post fromJasper Humphreysat the Marjan Centre, ‘Shape shifting in Flanders‘, which describes the war on the Western Front asthe first 3-D war. What Jasper has in mind is the combination...
World War One/Two→ la Primera/Segunda Guerra Mundialthe World Wide Web N→ el World Wide Web Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005...
The First World War was the first ‘total war’ in history. Its dimensions were greater, its casualty lists longer, its propensity to draw into its orbit all social and economic forces more powerful, than any previous war in history. The conflict was not so much ‘total’ as ‘totalizing...
if you think about it. After all, by definition, war involves at least two mutual enemies who want to keep a lot of information secret from each other. On
Konrad Adenauer, the future post war Chancellor of West Germany, was removed by the Nazi Party from his post as Mayor of Köln (Cologne), Germany. Penniless, he sought sanctuary in the Benedictine monastery at the Maria Laach Abbey near Andernach, Germany. [Köln, Köln-Aachen | AC]5...
‘The question remains whether, even if the Government of Pakistan, in its present form and structure, terminates her treaties with the Indian Union and declares war against her, this war would fall under the definition of jihad? The opinion expressed by him in this behalf is quite correct. ...
Conscription Definition Conscriptionliterally means compulsory military service. Unlike other European countries, Britain had always relied on volunteers to fight in times of war. Conscription had been introduced in 1916 when more men were needed to fight in the trenches, but it was abandoned when the...
Aria di rivoluzione paints a picture of Europe in the years between the two world wars – the Italian lyrics reference the Abyssinian war, while the German ones (courtesy of Wolf Biermann, spoken by Analogy’s Jutta Nienhaus in a tone that hovers between martial and sensual) mention Hitler ...
“Many people see World War II as one of the most important event in world history. How would you rate the following explanations for the main effects and meaning of WWII? (Please, use the scale from 1 to 7)”: (a) “Necessary War (end of colonization and beginning of independence ...
Allied powers, coalition of countries that opposed the Central Powers (primarily Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire) during World War I. The Allies’ original members of greatest import were the British Empire, France, and Russia. Later the