This is a tentative study of the gas experience of the 90th Division at St. Mihiel during World War I, This study is not presented as a definitive and official history, but is reproduced for current reference use within the Military Establishment pending the publication of an approved history...
These original World War One medals are in excellent condition. The ribbons are in good condition, and the medals have very little pitting and no rust. The victory metal has three bars for the defense sector, St Mihiel and Meuse Argonne. The victory Metal also has a Bronze Star, and the...
Battle of St. Mihiel(September 12 – 16, 1918)-This was first and only offensive launched by the United States Army in World War I without any other Allied participation. This Amercan attack caught the Germans by surprise and was a success. The Battle of St. Mihiel also marks the first ...
This letter was written 23 Jan 1919, after the end of the war but before Pvt Gooch had returned home. This letter is the last in the series of letters from Pvt Gooch to his family during WWI – at least the last of those I have found. In this letter, Pvt Gooch (known as Nig) ...
The American involvement in World War I seems complex, but it isn't. The war started in August 1914, but it wasn't until April 1917 that the United States joined. It took another year before the ground forces of the American Expeditionary Forces saw action. First there was the Build Up...
Looking for World War I 1914–18? Find out information about World War I 1914–18. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated or ideologically biased. an imperialist war between two coalitions of... Explanation of
An History of the Great War of 1914 to 1918 presented in internet format. Contains various articles and features from authors around the world. Please be aware this is a hi-bandwidth site.
📌 Explore the World War I Collection, featuring rare photographs, regimental histories, draft registration records, military training manuals, and firsthand soldier accounts.
World War I,1914–18, also known as the Great War, conflict, chiefly in Europe, among most of the great Western powers. It was the largest war the world had yet seen. Causes World War I was immediately precipitated by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by ...
28/06/2021 1919 First World War, Great War, timeline, World War One Germany reluctantly agrees the Allied terms and signs the peace treaty in Versailles, five years to the day after Archduke Ferdinand’s murder plunged Europe into war. 1/6/1919 The Rhineland Revolt: a farcical attempt to...