On July 28th 1914 began the outbreak of the First World War, aka World War 1 or The Great War for Civilisation. Join us as we learn everything there is to know in our World War 1 facts… ADVERTISEMENT World War 1 facts: Why did it start? A hundred years might seem like a very ...
World War I, also known as the Great War, started in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His murder catapulted into a war across Europe that lasted until 1918. During the four-year conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Centr...
On this site you will find lists of interesting facts about World War One. You will find information on what caused the war, where the great battles were, and how the war was fought. Some of the facts can be found in every kids history book where other facts are not as well known. ...
World War I, also known as the Great War, was a global conflict that began in Europe in 1914 and lasted until 1918. It was one of the deadliest wars in history, claiming over 16 million lives and injuring more than 20 million people.
The Facts about World War I
World War I - Air Warfare, Trench Warfare, Armistice: Aircraft, including dirigibles (Zeppelins), were used for reconnaissance and bombing attacks. The Royal Air Force (RAF) became the world's first separate air service. In 1917 peace overtures were bein
World War I pitted Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against Great Britain, the United States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. New military technology resulted in unprecedented carnage. By the time the war was over and the Allied Powers claimed victory, more than 16 million peopl...
World War 1 FactsFun, Addictive and FREE!This App is full of amazing and fun World War 1 Facts download it today! The term “dogfight” originated during WWI. The pilot had to turn off the plane’s engine from time to time so it would not stall when the plane turned quickly in the...
World War I, international conflict that in 1914–18 embroiled most of the nations of Europe along with Russia, the U.S., the Middle East, and other regions. It led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties and, in its destabilization of European soci
1 of 8Prev Next CNN — Here’s some background information about World War I, also known as the First World War and the Great War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918. Causes of World War I The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian ...