DISCOVER THE EXPONENTIAL POWER OF ONE WORLD TRADE FOR YOUR BUSINESS To see build-to-suit, prebuilt, or move-in ready availabilities, please contact the co-exclusive leasing agents. Follow Us Visit our Twitter account Visit our Instagram account Visit our Facebook account Contact Us ...
Welcome to the World Trade Center, home to the Oculus, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Liberty Park, and iconic office towers, including One World Trade Center, Three World Trade Center, and Four World Trade Center.
Welcome to the World Trade Center, home to the Oculus, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Liberty Park, and iconic office towers, including One World Trade Center, Three World Trade Center, and Four World Trade Center.
Welcome to the World Trade Center, home to the Oculus, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Liberty Park, and iconic office towers, including One World Trade Center, Three World Trade Center, and Four World Trade Center.
One World Trade Center,这座位于纽约曼哈顿下城的标志性建筑,不仅是一座集办公与观光于一体的摩天大楼,更是美国历史与现代文明的交汇点。以下是对One World Trade Center的详细介绍: 一、基本信息与建筑规模 One World Trade Center,原名“自由塔”(Freedom Tower),其总高度达到了...
DISCOVER THE EXPONENTIAL POWER OF ONE WORLD TRADE FOR YOUR BUSINESS To see build-to-suit, prebuilt, or move-in ready availabilities, please contact the co-exclusive leasing agents. Follow Us Visit our Twitter account Visit our Instagram account Visit our Facebook account Contact Us Download...
世界贸易中心一号大楼(One World Trade Center)总楼层共地上104层,是美国的第一高楼,世界第七高楼,2014年年底完工,取代911事件中倒塌的双子大楼,成为世界贸易中心的主建筑。世界贸易中心一号大楼的设计高度是1,776英尺(541.3米),象征着美国通过独立宣言的1776年,而屋顶高417米(1368英尺),象征原世贸中心北塔的屋顶(...
世界贸易中心遗址 World Trade Center Site 关键字:世界贸易中心一号大楼(One World Trade Center)是世贸易中心在911袭击事件遭到损毁后所重建的建筑之一,楼层共地上104层、地下5层,楼高1776尺(541米),此高度是为纪念1776年签署的《美国独立宣言》而定的。原称自由塔(Freedom Tower),2009年改为现名,2006年4月27...
One World Trade Center 285 Fulton St, New York, NY 10007 ©2025 Tower 1, Joint Venture LLC Durst relies on cookies to collect and process data. We may use this data to determine what content or advertising may be of interest to you. By clicking "I ACCEPT", you agree and allow all...