11.1b+time series: 490+topics: 1.6k+sources: Take a look atdata coverage matrixby country or topic to see the full picture! Data Bulletin Latest releases of new datasets and data updates from different sources around the world United States ...
U.S. Rises in Best Countries Rankings America's No. 3 spot in the annual U.S. News project is a high-water mark, but comes as nearly half of survey respondents see a negative global impact from a potential Trump presidency. Elliott Davis Jr.Sept. 10, 2024 ...
The article lists the top 50 richest countries by GDP per capita in 2023. The rankings are based on data from the IMF and World Bank. The list’s leader is Ireland, with a GDP per capita of $145.2 thousand. Wealthy countries have diverse sources of income. Some, like Qatar and the Un...
Leading the rankings in 2024 is New York, followed by London. Both cities perform best in the Economics and Human Capital categories, unsurprising given their roles as global hubs for finance, business, and education. New York has the largest metro economy in the worl...
High-income economies in Europe and Asia-Pacific continue to lead the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Index, with the United States, Spain and Japan topping the rankings again. Despite post-pandemic growth, the global tourism sector still faces complex challenges, with recovery varied by ...
第1001–1500名 2024 Impact Rankings Yen Nghia Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi, Vietnam 大纲 排名 人才招聘 关于Phenikaa University Phenikaa University is located in Vietnam’s capital city, Hanoi, and was established in 2007. It has strong links with industry, and the Phenikaa Group links ...
Country Rankings login Login person_add Register insights H-Index Rankings insights i10 Productivity Rankings format_list_numbered Citation Rankings subject University Subject Rankings school Young Universities format_list_numbered Top 100 Scientists format_quote Top 100 Institutions format_quote...
The United States has just won a significant honor – being named the world’s best country for travel and tourism in 2024 by the World Economic Forum. The rankings are determined by a broad range of criteria, including infrastructure, natural resources, sustainability, labor availability and – ...
France has the seventh-largest GDP in the world. Tourism is an important industry, and France receives the most visitors of any country each year.24 France is amixed economythat has many private and semi-private businesses across a diverse range of industries. However, there is still heavy go...
dollars by using currency market exchange rates. This is the number that was used to determine the countries’ rankings in the top 25 list. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Adjusted GDP in Current International Dollars: This is an alternative way of comparing nominal GDP among countries, adjusting ...