2023Top Companies榜单公布,大宝漆位例全球第55名 近日,美国《涂料世界》(Coatings World)杂志发布了2023年全球顶级涂料企业排行榜,全球73家涂料企业上榜,作为民族涂料品牌,大宝漆连续多年登上该排行榜,位列第55名。 据Coatings World介绍,这是一份提供全球行业中最准确的油漆和涂料制造商排名,在涂料行业内极具公信...
2023年全球航运公司排名前十强:马士基蝉联榜首,中远海控第四 7月3日,国际权威品牌价值评估机构GYbrand发布了“2023全球航运公司品牌价值10强榜单”(The World’s Top 10 Most Valuable Shipping Companies of 2023)。其中,马士基蝉联“全球最具价值航运公司”,地中海航运和达飞海运分列二三名。前10强名单中,中远海控...
Among the companies in the top of our list is, of course, Alphabet. Though best known for beingGoogle’s parent company, Alphabet owns a diverse range of subsidiaries, including research and development organization X Development and biotechnology company Calico Life Sciences. With founders Larry Pa...
尼得科株式会社此次被选为美国《时代》(《TIME》)杂志周刊与全球市场和消费者数据及排名的领先国际供应商——德国企业“Statista”合作推出的首届“World’s Best Companies2023(世界最佳企业排名2023)”榜单的20家(全球共750家)日企之一。 该榜单是以全球58个国家的约150,000名调查参加者为对象,基于以下三个维度的...
开利荣膺TIME World’s Best Companies 2023 “开利第一年就入选美国《时代》杂志全球最佳公司榜单,是对开利优秀员工以及他们致力于为全球客户提供创新、智能气候和能源解决方案的卓越证明。” *美国《时代》与数据和商业智能平台 Statista 合作进行的排名根据员工满意度、收入增长和可持续性来表彰全球表现最佳的公司。
开利荣膺TIME World's Best Companies 2023 “开利第一年就入选美国《时代》杂志全球最佳公司榜单,是对开利优秀员工以及他们致力于为全球客户提供创新、智能气候和能源解决方案的卓越证明。” *美国《时代》与数据和商业智能平台 Statista 合作进行的排名根据员工满意度、收入增长和可持续性来表彰全球表现最佳的公司。
To that end, we are pleased to be named to the Forbes list of World’s Top Companies for Women 2023. The top 400 companies chosen were evaluated based on surveys and research centered on three key pillars: employer brand, public opinion and company leadership. AMD is powered by people ...
开利荣膺TIME World's Best Companies 2023 “开利第一年就入选美国《时代》杂志全球最佳公司榜单,是对开利优秀员工以及他们致力于为全球客户提供创新、智能气候和能源解决方案的卓越证明。” *美国《时代》与数据和商业智能平台 Statista 合作进行的排名根据员工满意度、收入增长和可持续性来表彰全球表现最佳的公司。
20 Biggest Tech Companies in the World by Revenue It is obvious for many people to think that most of these big tech companies are US-based. However, there has been phenomenal change off late wherein few Asian companies are also featured in the tech top ten giving tough competition to thei...
The year 2023 continued to show strong growth for this sector. Alphabet, Amazon, and Jingdong Mall, were the top three internet‑based companies by market cap, as of May 2024.2 Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL): The Internet search giant is the world leader in search, contextual advertising, and othe...