The World Stress Map (WSM) is a global compilation of information on the present-day crustal in situ stress within the upper 40 km of the lithosphere. It is a collaborative project between academia and industry that aims to characterize the crustal stress pattern and to understand the causes o...
Knowledge of the in situ stress state is of key importance for rock engineering. We inform the reader about the World Stress Map (WSM) database and its app
(2018). The World Stress Map database release 2016: Crustal stress pattern across scales, Tectonophys., 744, 484-498,, O., Tingay, M., Barth, A., Reinecker, J., Kurfeß, D., Muller, B., 2008. The World Stress Map Database...
The World Stress Map (WSM) database is a global compilation of information on the crustal present-day stress field. It is a collaborative project between academia and industry that aims to characterize the stress pattern and to understand the stress sources. It commenced in 1986 as a project ...
The World Stress Map (WSM) database contains over 16,000 indicators on contemporary crustal tectonic stress and provides an essential parameter for geohazard assessment. This paper focuses on the importance of database accessibility for geohazard assessment and presents the basic concepts and availability...
However, in order to visualize the WSM database, some additional functions are needed. Stress map examples In the following sections, we present two stress maps at plate-wide and regional entirely created with CASMI. Even though the smoothed stress field on a grid was calculated externally, ...
回顾了世界应力库(world stress map,WSM)30年的历史发展进程,介绍了WSM数据库的资源组成、资源质量、资源数量、资源规则和资源标识等基本情况以及最新进展,对比了WSM中国地区和中国地壳应力环境数据库的数据结构、数据量、数据质量。援引已发地震为例,初步探讨了WSM在地震前后主压应力场随时空变化的两种现象:一是临大...
Knowledge of the stress field in the Earth's crust is a key issue for the understanding of geodynamic processes,seismic hazard assessment, and stability of underground openings such as waste disposals, tunnels, mines or wells, and reservoir management. The World Stress Map project is a ...
The World Stress Map (WSM) project has compiled a global database of quality-ranked data records on the contemporary tectonic stresses in the Earth's crust. The WSM 2005 database release contains approximately 16 000 data records from different types of stress indicators such as earthquake...
To date, more than 7300 in situ stress orientations have been compiled as part of the World Stress Map project. Of these, over 4400 are considered reliable tectonic stress indicators, recording horizontal stress orientations to within <±25°. Remarkably good correlation is observed between stress...