WORLD SOIL DAY 2023 “ 世界土壤日微论坛 ”暨 环境科学与生态艺术论坛 | 第五届 时间 2023.12.05 14:00-17:00 地点 大洋晶典·天安千树·3F—VIP室 特邀专家 陈亮、何根详、沈宁、周永峰 发起人 宋陈 主办方 土…
World Soil Day 2023 Our Cutting-Edge Automation Solutions for Soil, Plant, and Fertilizer Analysis On the occasion of World Soil Day, we highlight our automation solutions designed for soil, plant and fertilizer analysis. With a growing emphasis on managing soil fertility for sustainable agriculture...
World Soil Day is annually held on December 5 to highlight soil's importance on Earth. We need soil for basic survival - food and energy. It is linked with the United Nations' (UN) Year of Soil.
World Soil Day 2023: Soil and water, a source of life The UN’s World Soil Day, celebrated annually on 5 December, is designed to empower and engage people around the world to improve soil health and tackle the challenges associated with it. This year the day focuses on the link between...
2023年12月5日,2023“ 世界土壤日微论坛”暨 第五届|环境科学与生态艺术论坛 于莫干山路600号——大洋千树拉开帷幕。 此次论坛是由土壤生态艺术家宋陈发起人为主导,并邀请了陈亮、何根详、沈宁、周永峰等专家出席参与论坛并进行学术讨论。本次论坛延续往届侧重土壤文化的传统依旧选择在WORLD SOIL DAY世界土壤日展开...
2023 “ 世界土壤日微论坛 ” WORLD SOIL DAY 暨 环境科学与生态艺术论坛 | 第五届时间:2023.12.05 14:00-17:00 地点:大洋晶典·天安千树·3F—VIP室特邀专家:万凤至、何根详、沈宁、周永峰、王璐、阿军、王冠青 ...
每日一词∣世界土壤日 World Soil Day 12月5日是世界土壤日。世界土壤日由联合国确立,旨在宣传健康土壤的重要性,倡导土壤资源的可持续管理。Dec. 5 marks World Soil Day, a day designated by the UN to highlight the importance of healthy soils and to advocate sustainable management of soil resources....
World Soil Day holiday celebration and observances in International Calendar. When is & how many days until World Soil Day in 2023?
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