Dec. 5 marks World Soil Day, a day designated by the UN to highlight the importance of healthy soils and to advocate sustainable management of soil resources.11月1日,在吉林省公主岭市环岭街道土城子村,农民驾驶拖拉机对已收获的耕地进行秸秆深翻还田保护性作业。(无人机拍摄)(图片来源:新华社)...
世界土壤日的建立 2013年6月,世界粮农组织大会通过了将每年的12月5日作为世界土壤日(World Soil Day)以及确定2015年为国际土壤年(International Year of Soils 2015 - IYS 2015)的决议,该决议也在2013年12月20日的联合国大会上得到了认可。 各地响应世界土壤日 2014年12月5日是联合国首个“世界土壤日”,2015...
盘点历年世界环境日主题 6月5日是“世界环境日”(World Environment Day, WED),今年的主题是“生态系统恢复”(Ecosystem Restoration)。 1972年6月5日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了联合国人类环境会议(Nations Conference on the Human Environment...
Forests are the complex living community of the trees which provides home and shelter to a big range of animals and the soil beneath it inhabit the variety of invertebrates, fungi and bacteria playing significant role in balancing the nutrients cycle in the soil and forest. World forestry day c...
but also the foundation of people's livelihood. At the same time, land is not only the symbol of wealth, but also the material basis of wealth creation and production. In short, land is the origin of human beings and culture. On the occasion of the seventh annual World Soil Day, let ...
Conceit tells you what you are playing and why. Combined with tone, these two elements trump anything else relevant to the game. Rules. Plots. Character options. These are all byproducts of conceit. D&D wins the conceit game because a half-centaur bard and a blind elf night soil merchant ...
but also the foundation of people's livelihood. At the same time, land is not only the symbol of wealth, but also the material basis of wealth creation and production. In short, land is the origin of human beings and culture. On the occasion of the seventh annual World Soil Day, let ...
Assuming only temperature increases and no groundwater storage depletion results in a 7 day minimum streamflow that is dramatically reduced from the historical climate by 21–81%, with the largest decreases occurring in water years when aridity is high. Preferential partitioning of soil water to ...
Still, it is an uphill struggle and much remains to be done. On this year's World Day Against Child Labour, the ILO is highlighting the role of education as the right response to child labour. The story of Rafaelito shows how.DOI: 10.1016/S0304-0208(09)70040-4 年份: 2008 ...
Miracles happen every daywith people surviving deathly car crashes, getting pregnant when they thought they were infertile, or walking again when they were told it was impossible. It’s easy to think, “Well, that wouldn’t happen to me,” butwhat if it could?What if you could also receiv...