1. Scholar’s Scavenge(学者寻宝): 一个年度的寻宝活动,在全球和锦标赛中举行。参赛者被随机分组,完成各种任务,并拍摄照片和影片作为证明。 2. Debate Showcase(辩论展示): 与辩论活动相似,但是在舞台上进行,由前八名辩论者参与。 3. Scholar’s Bal...
1. Scholar’s Scavenge(学者寻宝):一个年度的寻宝活动,在全球和锦标赛中举行。参赛者被随机分组,完成各种任务,并拍摄照片和影片作为证明。 2. Debate Showcase(辩论展示):与辩论活动相似,但是在舞台上进行,由前八名辩论者参与。 3. Scholar’s Ball(学者舞会):一个鼓励学生交流和舞蹈的活动,要求学生穿着正式...
世界学者杯/The World Scholar’s Cup 学者碗Scholar's Bowl是以问答为基础的竞赛,测试学者们对六大学科的掌握情况,在WSC中一般是最后举行的学术环节。 介绍 学者碗环节以三人团队形式进行,每个团队会领取一个答题器。题目通常由易到难,有不同的分值。每个团队需要合作来解决问题。题目常常出其不意,涉及范围很广。...
Reform by reflection: Schön’s legacy to management practice in times of uncertainty. Iran. J. Manag. Stud. 2016, 9, 579–597. [Google Scholar] Acquah, E.O.; Commins, N.L. Critical reflection as a key component in promoting pre-service teachers’ awareness of cultural diversity. ...
“Relationship Status: It’s Complicated.” Media-Based Forms of Participation in Religious Practices“Searching for a Better Life with My Community”: Migratory Trends in Religious-Based Social Net-Works‘Dramatic Theology’ as a Process of Discernment for Our Time‘On the Lapsed’: Comparative ...
as modern as any of its kind in the world.14.this room is no darker than that one.16.i have no fewer friends here than he has.17.He is no less guilty than his wife.18.That was more than the workers could stand.19.He is ore of a scholar than hiis bro...
Scholar calls for richer debate on Oikos shootings
the nameliterary journalismwhich has been open to debate over the years; it is also its fundamental constitution, from one culture to another, from one continent to another. As a result, we find today as many vibrant pockets of literary journalistic activity throughout the world as there are ...