The formal study of yoga and naturopathy is being taught in Nepal at Valmiki Vidyapeeth of Nepal Sanskrit University. The entrants are given 6 months of yoga and naturopathy training. Those who have graduated in any subject have also been approved for a two-year postgraduate course. Although t...
This year India holds the presidency of the G20, and is hosting high-level diplomatic and ministerial meetings which are now in full swing. The theme of this Indian presidency is the Sanskrit phrase “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्” taken from the Mahā Upanis...
Perhaps this turn to the vernacular to understand revelation is especially appropriate, since one of the hallmarks of bhakti or devotional participation in post-classical India is that poet-saints across the land composed poetry in regional vernacular languages rather than classical Sanskrit. Poets who...
in sanskrit. and the second you step into the sukhothai bangkok , you might just feel transported there. the guest rooms, spa, swimming pool, and other facilities on the property are connected through a web of wandering paths that weave through lush gardens, intricate stonework calling back to...
Ayurvedais often affectionately called a sister science of Yoga. Let us look briefly at the Sanskrit meaning of the name.Ayurmeans life, andVedameans science or wisdom. So,Ayurvedateaches how to live wisely in order to promote physical, mental and spiritual health and longevity. Since everything...
Picture: ‘Parshvapippala (Sanskrit: पार्श्वपिप्पल)’ by Dinesh Valke on Book of the month: Kate Roberts July 25, 2023 By Ann Morgan in Book of the month, Europe, The stories Tags: book, book review, culture, Kate Roberts, novel, politic...
Video of Marathi actor falsely shared as Delhi Chief Miniater Rekha Gupta IIM Kozhikode’s 15th Calicut Half Marathon concludes with over 4,500 runners celebrating the City’s UNESCO literary legacy Maha Kumbh: Kerala governor, family take holy dip at Sangam FACT CHECK: Can swallowing papaya seed...
November also marks the return of singer/songwriterJosh Tillmanwith his sixth album under the stage name Father John Misty. According to a press release, the album's title,Mahashmashana, derives from the Sanskrit word Mahāśmaśāna (महामशान), meaning "great cremation gr...
Remember the 12 aspirations. Light a white candle that day and carve your name on the candle. Anoint it with Frankincense oil and chant Psalm 65 three times. The Sanskrit mantras can be challenging to articulate but are a potent source of energy on levels of sounds through us and the crea...
“academic calendar” & I got a little worried given that there was just SO much we wanted to do, to cover and yet, here we were leisurely bathing in the history and culture of India –without a thought of moving on. Their level of excitement was palpable. “Can we learn Sanskrit?”...