Every-Day Edits Five-Minute Fillers Holiday Lessons Learning Games Lesson of the Day News for Kids Show-Biz Science Work Sheet LibraryProfessional Development Clip Art Gallery Math Corner New Teacher Advisor Reader's Theater Reading Coach Responsive Classroom Strategies That Work Teacher Feature Voice...
Target those words when pre-screening the read aloud and introduce the words before reading, or during the reading itself. Always find other connections in the school day to reinforce new words.Building Fluency Skills Choose rhythmic poems and narrative for this purpose. Allow students to repeat ...
Read each new word aloud. After he has created several silly words, work together to make the word Frog again. When you are done playing, display the magnets on your refrigerator or other magnetic surface in your home. Variations: Write the name of another WordFriend—like Pig or Ant...
Of course, everybody who is getting married soon would want to have nothing but the best for their wedding day. Aside from picking the date and venue, hiring a catering service, and choosing the wedding dress, you also have to think about how your guests will be entertained at the ...
I hope that, by now, we have largely dispensed with the myth that librarians spend all day reading in buildings that are temples of quiet. There’s not much quiet, there’s not much sitting, and there’s barely any reading, unless you count reading aloud at storytimes, or reading profes...
The real hero on this day though was my beautiful wife Katie. When it came time to lower yourself down into one of the actual tunnels used by the Vietnamese, she finally volunteered after I persisted for a number of minutes. The look on her face as she slowly slipped into the small ...
The patio and sidewalks are still alive with the vibrant chalk art of two little girls. The house is quiet as another Sunday family dinner is done. I so love these times. The prep and cooking take a large part of the day. The patio tables are set with simple place settings and chairs...
How it’s prepared:The teacher prepares the Student A document by making either a 4 x 8 or 5 x 10 cell grid. They type the numbers 1-16 or 1-25 in numerical order in the even numbered rows. Above each numbered cell, the teacher inserts a clipart image related to the content of ...
2. Read aloud, especially dialogue. Reading aloud is not the same as speaking naturally. However, it is very useful for exercising the vocal muscles. Practise for 5 or 10 minutes a day and you will begin to notice which sounds are difficult for you to produce. Find transcripts of natural...
Every-Day Edits Five-Minute Fillers Holiday Lessons Learning Games Lesson of the Day News for Kids Show-Biz Science Work Sheet LibraryProfessional Development Clip Art Gallery Math Corner New Teacher Advisor Reader's Theater Reading Coach Responsive Classroom Strategies That Work Teacher Feature Voice...