World Products Wireless Business Unit is a leading M2M antenna provider of custom external and embedded antenna solutions for ISM, GSM, 3G, 4G, GPS and ruggedized antennas suitable for deployment and installation in harsh environments.
人物简介: 一、WORLDPRODUCTSINC的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,WORLDPRODUCTSINC与MESSIERVALERIAJANINE为商业合作伙伴。 财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 股权穿透图 挖掘深层股权结构 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...
WPI (World Products Inc.)是一家专业从事生产和设计保护性元气件的美资公司。产品包括压敏电阻,气体放电管,TVS管,等等十多种类型的保护性元气件。为生产保护性设备的公司提供了近40年的专业服务。我们压敏电阻可吸收的浪涌Zui高可达80KA, 气体放电管可吸收的浪涌可达20KA. 我们的客户覆盖全球,包括一些知名的跨国公...
World Products Inc. has a complete applications and component testing laboratory in Sonoma, CA for use by our customers. At our facility we can offer you technical assistance with circuit protection, international testing specifications and electromagnetic compatibility. Our expertise and equipment are av...
To be recognized as an industry leading customer-centric antenna solutions supplier that differentiates itself by its ability to solve antenna related RF problems using exceptional engineering and product support while offering competitively priced, leading-edge, quality products....
WHITE PAPER Click to WATCH: Standard Varistor vs Thermally Protected Varistor Testing (LONG VERSION - 02:14) Click to WATCH: Standard Varistor vs Thermally Protected Varistor Testing (SHORT VERSION - 00:51) PRODUCT PAGE DOWNLOAD CATALOG PRODUCT PAGE ...
Founded in 1969, World Products Inc.(WPI) has been serving the electronic industry for over 35 years. WPI provides electronic component solutions focusing on the Automotive, Telecom, Industrial, Power Supply, Surge Suppression and Wireless markets. Orga
Metallized Polypropylene0.001 to 10.0±10, ±20VRac30510.0 / 15.0 / 22.5 / 27.5 / 37.555 / 110 / 21IEC 60384-14 and EN 60384-14100 to 400 V/µsUL60384-14 CSA E60384-14:09 (cUL), ENEC, EK, CQC X2 SMPS,EMI Filters, E-Ballast Domestic Appliances ...
World Products Inc.®is an Employee Owned Company (ESOP) WPI Wireless Business Unit Announces New LTE Antennas Sonoma, CA March 31, 2017 The Wireless Business Unit of World Products Inc.®(WPI), announced today the commercial availability of its new product line of compactLTE Antennas. These...
NEXEM (formerly NEC-Tokin) has been supplying Automotive Power Relays for over 25 years, on many Automotive switching applications such a RKE, Power Windows, Memory Seats, Sunroof Control, Shift Transfer, etc. NEC was the first to offer a dual (twin) relay for reversing (H-bridge) motor ...