ˌthird-ˈrate adjective of very bad quality. a third-rate performance. de baja categoría, de poca montathe Third World the developing countries, those not part of or aligned with the two main powers. the needs of the Third World. el Tercer Mundo Kernerman English Multilingual ...
(0.9), Arab states or Middle east region has a population of 359 million and growing quickly with annual average rate of 2.1 when compared to Africa, the rate of change is 1.5 times more than the world annual rate of 1.2. Rapid population growth keeps poor countries poor, this may happen...
In the analysis of the MPI, the significant contribution of specific indicators such as Poverty Rate (mpi_1), Family Policy (mpi_3), and Senior Citizen Poverty (mpi_5) to the convergent validity of the construct is highlighted. Although concerns are evident in indicators such as Low Pay Inc...
Moreover, declarations of heritage in Africa and Central Asia should be extended to realize the precise “poverty alleviation” of WCHS protection in these regions. For further planning of WCHS sites along the Silk Road, we propose countermeasures to protect the global cultural heritage in the ...
Graph 1. The purchasing power of negotiated wages in the Euro area (source). Read more… Lars Syll The balanced budget paradox is probably one of the most devastating phenomena haunting our economies. The harder politicians — usually on the advice of establishment economists — try to achieve ...
Research indicates that entrepreneurs are relying on digital technology for their entrepreneurial endeavours, yet there is little knowledge on how to balan
Graph 1. Population and overpopulation in the world’s five most populous countries. Data in first two columns from Lianos and Pseiridis (2016), last column from United Nations (2019). These sustainable national population estimates assume a willingness to limit or reduce average annual income to...
Guyana has the highest national suicide rate in the world, 30 people per year per 100,000. Guyana has poverty and crime and those things, but no more so than neighboring Brazil (suicide rate of 6) or Venezuela (suicide rate of 4). What’s going on?
We also calculate the mean job creation rate and mean job destruction rate for each three-digit manufacturing industry for 1999–2007, the graph is available upon request. There is a point worth to mention that we also use the interaction between output tariffs in 2001 and Post02 (i.e., ...
Besides, even before Hurricane Mitch, almost half the population of the Honduras and Nicaragua were below the poverty line and were gradually recovering from the civil strifes of the 1980s. Both these nations are burdened with massive foreign debts. Nicaragua, which h...