World Population Fertility rate by country South Korea has the lowest world fertility rate with 1.1 by 2018, followed by Japan with 1.4,SpainandItalywith 1.3 each. India is ranking 1 in terms of population by 2023 with 1.43 billion people with 2.1 as fertility rate, and rank 2 is China wi...
World Bank: Global Poverty Rate Drops to Record Low 10 Pct. More The Associated Press FILE- This Sept. 10, 2017, file photo shows a night view of the Mangueira slum, seen from a squatter building that used to house the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IGBE) in...
Poverty Rate: percentage of the population living below the national poverty line (World Bank/Eurostat/UNICEF/OECD) Fortune Global 500 Companies: number of Fortune Global 500 corporate headquarters (Fortune Global500) number of start-ups number of registered start-ups in a city (StartupBlink) Con...
Liberalization of India’s economy since the 1990s has boosted economic growth, but inflexible business regulation, widespread corruption, and persistent poverty pose challenges to ongoing expansion.21 6. The United Kingdom Nominal GDP in Current U.S. Dollars:$3.73 trillion3 ...
ation in both developed and developing countries in the aftermath of the pandemic prompted the most aggressive interest rate hikes in decades.Despite rising rates,household spending and employment–especially in the developed economies–have remained resilient,making it harder for central banks to tame ...
Worldwide Compare to Compare to other regions CurrencyUSD (US$) Population in billion #29.6930.0730.4530.8231.231.5931.9732.3632.7533.1533.5633.9634.3734.7935.235.6136.0236.4236.8137.1837.5237.8338.1238.4238.7439.0639.3839.6939.9940.340.5940.8941.1841.4641.7442.0242.2942.5542.8143.0743.32 ...
U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, strengthen global development cooperation, bridge development gaps, and create new cooperation highlights in areas such as poverty alleviation, food security and industrialization, so as to benefit the people of all countries with more fruits of cooperation...
It said economic recovery will be crucial in supporting poverty reduction efforts in Fiji, as during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the poverty rate reached nearly 70 percent. However, with a solid economic recovery, the World Bank said it is projected to return to the pre-pande...
Up to 2023, the Lancang-Mekong water resources cooperation projects provided clean drinking water to approximately 10,000 local rural residents. Additionally, China and Laos have established ties in water resources management. The population in the Lancang-Mekong region has a lower rate of access to...
Share of world population living in poverty 1990-2022 Global life expectancy at birth by gender 1950-2100 Distribution of countries worldwide 1900-2023, by regime type Discover Statista Statista Search Statista Search Need help with using Statista for your research? Tutorials and first steps Furth...