Here we describe the Geographic Population Structure (GPS) algorithm and demonstrate its accuracy with three data sets using 40,000–130,000 SNPs. GPS placed 83% of worldwide individuals in their country of origin. Applied to over 200 Sardinians villagers, GPS placed a quarter of them in ...
There are some more inaccuracies. Asia is represented by 60% of the pie graph. If you divide 60/100, that equals 3/5 of the population and not one third or 1/3. I would encourage you to use percentages. You could state that Asia represented 60% of the world's population in 1900....
It is noteworthy that internal branch lengths are heterogeneous in length, indicating that the clades are differentially divergent either in time, diversification rate, population size, or all of these factors49. The largest clade in the phylogeny, having both the most recognised species and the ...
Using renewable energy, alone, sounds like a good idea, but it is not possible in practice. Forests were the major source of energy to support the economy before the advent for fossil fuels, but deforestation became a problemlong before 1800. The world’s population, even at one bi...
or up to 10 cM with r2> 0.2. Few loci mapping to different chromosomes showed significant LD with r2> 0.05. The number of loci in significant LD as well as the pattern of LD were clearly dependent on the population structure. The LD in the homogenous group of 207 European 2-rowed sprin...
With such large percentages of pedestrian deaths, this might be an indication that low-income countries are not able to provide adequate pedestrian facilities for crossing or walking along roadways. With these statistics introducing the problem of pedestrian safety on a worldwide, regional, and ...
Look at a graph created by CLSA (short for Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia 里昂证券) whichshows the growth of China's luxury-goods market. What message does the graph convey?What are the underlying(根本的) reasons behind the trend? Write an essay to explain.Tips:China's luxury-goods market...
(g) divided by effective population size (Ne)49, provide evidence that manySyzygiumclades either radiated extremely rapidly, or that their ancestral population sizes were comparatively large, or both. SuchgandNeconditions are known to promote gene-tree/species-tree discordance through ILS49. We ...
Graph of China′s population dynamics. (PDF 36 kb) Supplementary Figure 3 Graph of China′s birth rate, death rate, and growth rate. (PDF 64 kb) Supplementary Figure 4 Graph of per capita floor space in rural and urban China. (PDF 32 kb) Supplementary Figure 5 Graph of growth in some...
Thus, our study population may be biased towards people with more severe MS compared to the Danish population of people with MS. However, we found no evidence that response rates differed among dietary clusters. While the exploratory design strengthened an everyday and real-world perspective on ...