1Something significant is happening to the world population—it is aging. The median (中位数的)age of an American in 1950 was 30—today it is 41 and is expected (increase) to 42 by 2050. 2Something significant is happening to the world population—it is aging. The median (中位数的) ...
Populationaging hasbecome a world-widephenomenon.It has not only Come to stay but,(especial)inthe developingcountries,it will become more acutewith the passageoftime.(It)influencesare sowide-rangingand manifoldtheycan only be ignoredatatremendouscost to society.In order to ensureasustainable(develop...
grim, and uncertain. China also faces an aging population. In deepening reform and opening up, certain deep-seated institutional problems and impediments from vested interests became increasingly evident. China's
The share of the global population at 65 and above is projected to rise from 10 percent in 2022 to 16 percent in 2050, it said. "Countries with aging populations should take steps to adapt public programs to the growing proportions of older persons, including by improving the sustainability o...
If you enjoyed this post, check out When Will the Global Population Reach Its Peak? This visualization reveals the projected population growth over the next seven decades. Related Topics:populationaging populationbirth ratesone-child policybirthChina's one child policyAfrican populationchild Up N...
31.(2020 · 浙江1月高考)Something significant is happening to the world population - it is aging. The median (中的) age of an American in 1950(be)30-today it is 41 and is expected to increase to 42 by 2050. 41.(2020·浙江1月高考)Something significant is happeningto the world popula...
this newsletter, we'll also see how scientists called for cooperation in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), and across the globe to address challenges from climate change to aging population, and how well is China prepared to launch Shenzhou-16 manned mission in the coming days...
population aged 60 or over is projected to increase Africa has 68.7 millions, 549 Million in Asia, 183 million in Europe, 78 and 76 million in North and Latin America.Japanpopulation is shrinking due to low fertility rates and society and cultural infrastructure, the aging population is rapidly...
“silver economy”, and China’s experience over the next decade can offer important insights for emerging economies into how best to meet the needs of an aging population while also maximizing the economic development opportunities from such a dramatic shift.(最近发表的《关于发展银发经济和改善老年...
under the policies of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe; however, Japan is poor in natural resources and dependent on energy imports, especially after the general shutdown of its nuclear power industry following the 2011 Fukushima disaster. Japan has also struggled with a rapidly aging population.19...