World Population Counter There is, of course, no totally accurate account of total world population. No one is continually recording every single birth and death. Nevertheless, it is possible to make estimates based on various census figures and rates of growth in various countries. The figure ab...
Transferring vibrational population between electronic states of diatomic molecules via light-induced-potential shaping. (intuitive or counter-intuitive) and on the sign of the detuning (below or above the first transition) four schemes are possible for population transfer ... Chang,B.,Y.,... - ...
The aims of the study were, firstly, to present both the meanings and barriers of physical activity in a comprehensive representative population-based sample of 11–15 year olds girls and boys in Finland and, secondly, to examine how the numbers of important meanings and mentioned barriers were...
This graph shows the market share of desktop vs mobile vs tablet worldwide from Dec 2023 - Dec 2024. Mobile has 63.07%, Desktop has 35.07% and Tablet has 1.86%.
This graph shows the market share of mobile operating systems worldwide from Dec 2023 - Dec 2024. Android has 73.49%, IOS has 26.04% and Samsung has 0.31%.
We are currently limited by the population health datasets, which conflate health needs with health care supply and demand. For example, the Global Burden of Disease studies are partly based on measures of health care use. This carries risks of being inflated by the ‘medical-industrial complex’...
By offering this direct financial support, the government aims to mitigate the economic burden on the population while continuing to address the pressing needs of national defense and recovery amidst the prolonged conflict. U.S. News Trump Shocks the World by Appointing Investment Banker Warren Stephe...
an elite comprised mainly of men. On the list of the20 richest people in the world, only one was a woman. Moreover, recent political discourse has put a great amount of attention on the wealth held by the super-rich with thewealth distribution of the global population being heavily ...
If not promptly protected, the Zhanjiang Chinese white dolphin population may follow its counter- parts in the Pearl River Estuary and risk an unrecoverable collapse from inevitable habitat degradation. Therefore, the Zhanjiang popu- lation of Chinese white dolphins and its habitat deserve the highest...
LogPopulationError LogPopulationWarning LogProperty LogProvider LogWarning LookupChoiceFieldIndex LookupGroup LookupGroupMembers LookupList LookupListItem LookupListItemId LookupPrincipal LookupPrincipalId LookupPrincipalProperty LookupUser LookupUserProperty LookupWorkflowContextProperty MachineLearningModel MacroInternal Mac...