8,001,735,835Current World Population 246,385Births Today 20,289,849Births This Year 103,881Deaths Today 8,554,639Deaths This Year Top 30 Largest Countries by Population (Live) China1,373,541,278 India1,281,935,911 United States323,995,528 ...
World population religion wise Global population distribution by Income By 2024, The world GDP is $107 trillion, US is the largest economy byGDP Ranking, followed by China, Germany, Japan and India. The major world currencies are Dollar, Euro, Pound and digital currencies also popularly known ...
Insights•Facts•Figures•Live Statistics Visit our shop The World Population is growing by over 200,000 people a day The population of the world today is about 215,000 people larger than yesterday. The world population clock shows you in real time how fast it’s actually going. The dev...
57.By2025 the number of the world's population___(live)incountries of significant water shortage willalmostdouble, to 6 billion people.反馈 收藏
The countries with the highest population growth rate in 2024 were mostly African countries. While around 1.47 billion people live on the continent as of 2024, this is forecast to grow to 3.9 billion by 2100. This is underlined by the fact that most of the countries wit the highest ...
UNITED NATIONS, May 16 (Xinhua) -- Today, 55 percent of the world's population live in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68 percent by 2050, the United Nations said on Wednesday. Projections show that urbanization, the gradual shift in residence of the human populat...
According to the World Population Prospects 2024: Summary of Results, it is expected that the world's population will peak in the mid-2080s, growing over the next 60 years from 8.2 billion people in 2024 to around 10.3 billion in the mid-2080s, and then will return to around 10.2 billio...
By 2050,half of the world's population will live in the tropics-the relatively warm belt that circles the globe-according to State of the Tropics,a report released today.Rapid population growth,along with economic growth,means that the region's influence will grow in coming decades,the authors...
Thirty years from now it’s expected that almost 70% of the global population will live in urban areas, which presents big business for the entire planning supply chain – if they play their cards right.
More than half of the world’s population live in cities. Traffic and pollution are becoming big problems in big cities all over the world. In cities like Mexico City Shanghai or Cairo the quality of air is getting worse every day. In the United States people spend more time sitting in ...