汽油价格: world map The map shows the price of gasoline per liter of fuel in 169 countries as of 2024年 6月 03日. These are Octane 95 gasoline prices or their closest equivalent in countries where octane 95 gasoline is not sold. The prices are expressed in USD using the current exchange...
A Quick Global View - World Map of Petrol Pump Prices. Hover over the country you are interested in and view the latest fuel price which can range from a few cents to almost three euros. One of the driving factors of a Country’s economy is often considered to be fuel prices due to ...
World average prices CategoryLatest3 months1 year Gasoline1.229-1.99%-3.30% Diesel1.168-1.68%-3.87% Electricity: residential0.1552.65%-0.64% Electricity: business0.1511.34%-2.58% Natural gas: residential0.0792.60%-9.20% Natural gas: business0.0601.69%-7.69% ...
LPG prices, liter, 30-Dec-2024LPG prices, 30-Dec-2024: The average price of LPG around the world is 0.74 U.S. Dollar per liter. However, there is substantial difference in these prices among countries. As a general rule, richer countries have higher prices while poorer countries and the...
Petrol Pricespetrol prices Top Stories Fuel prices remain a rip-off, competition watchdog declares 26 Jul26th July Fuel prices 'kept high while Britain distracted by election' 17 Jun17th June Sky News footerYouTube Facebook X TikTok Instagram LinkedIn WhatsApp About Sky News About Us ...
The map shows the price of electricity for household use per kWh. The data on the map are for 148 countries and were collected in 2023 Q4. The latest data and historical series are available for download here. The prices are calculated using the average
UAE petrol prices are third highest in Arab worldKawach, Nadim
Global Petrol Prices found that the average price of gas per gallon in the U.S. was $3.82 on July 15, 2024. Key Takeaways Countries with the cheapest gas prices tend to be in oil-producing regions. Countries with the most expensive gas prices are usually small nations or have ...
(Americangasorgasoline) a liquid got from petroleum, used as fuel for motor carsetc.I'll stop at the next garage and buy more petrol;(also adjective) a petrol engine.gasolina petroleum(pəˈtrəuliəm)noun oil in its raw, unrefined form, which is found in natural wells below the...
even if today’s output is concentrated, for most materials the planet has undeveloped deposits or substitutes that can thwart a would-be monopolist. Rare earths, for example, are not rare—one of them, cerium , is almost as common as zinc.Electricity also ...