Christians are called to live as overcomers, holding fast to their faith and testimony in anticipation of Christ's return. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(10) Because thou hast kept (better, didst keep) the word of my patience.--The one who keeps God's word is kept. Such is ...
How to Be an Overcomer Herbert W Armstrong Is Jesus Dead? Garner Ted Armstrong Death by Crucifixion - Is Jehohannan Jesus? William F Dankenbring What Was it Like to Be the Brother of Jesus? George T Geis Probability - What It Says About Evolution ...
The group was known as "Human Individual Metamorphosis," and then later "Total Overcomers Anonymous," before becoming "Heaven's Gate" in the 1990s. Members had to live with the group as well as give up their possessions and family. To perfect themselves for salvation, Applewhite encouraged me...
Back to the Rev Dr John MacArther who is the pastor of Grace Community Church, a mega-church in California, and a very prominent Bible teacher, who has been teaching on the Bible on nationwide radio and television for forty years. Needless to say someone like that who is prominent, also...
The Bible says we're "justified by works." If you're disturbed by that idea, this website will force you to become a Berean and study the Scriptures more carefully. Our laws are based on Biblical Law in general and the Ten Commandments in particular. All ten...
17 Business On Purpose: Inspiring Stories of Women Overcomers Who are Changing the World (Volume 1) 18 Girls on Film: The Complete History of the Women Who Broke Barriers and Redefined Roles 19 The Escape Artist: The Man Wh...
The beast (AC) persecutes us and has us martyred, and in so doing he ‘overcomes’ us. But we are overcomers by what? By…. “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” We overcome the beast...
They are overcomers. They walked the Prodigal treacherous walk. And the Gentiles are proud to serve them even before Israel dies or are translated to Heaven they have Gentiles serving them in ways that living Gentiles would not understand or believe. Put it this way, there is much more to ...
setting up parameters or making big adjustments ahead of time would be a fantastical wish. And then there is faith. Changing even the smallest part of oneself seems impossible and yet, Christians often proclaim that with the power of the Holy Spirit, any Christ follower can be an overcomer. ...
I hope and pray that this book will help the reader to be an "overcomer". Go here for more details and how to order! DISCERNMENT TOOLKIT Demolish Arguments! by Sandy Simpson Want to be able to see your way through to clear biblical discernment? Want a set of tools that will allow ...