Secondary battery: twelve 152 mm/55 OTO Model 1936 guns Dual-purpose battery: twelve 90 mm/50 OTO Model 1939 guns Anti-aircraft armament: eight twin 37 mm/54 Breda 1932 mounts, four 37 mm/54 RM 1939 guns, 32 automatic 20 mm/65 Breda 1935 guns. Handling battleship Roma Commander with ...
Roma V. Veneto Giuseppe Verdi Lepanto Marco Polo A. Vespucci C. Colombo R. Lauria Sicilia 船身 Roma 引擎 推進系統:128,200 匹馬力 火炮射控系統 SDT 8 主要武器 381 mm/50 Model 1934(1934 式炮座) 級別8 血量(HP)65 400 主要武器 最大射程18 120 ...
And then, of course, there’s always the fear that, in the future, a world war could once again break out, raising the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons from global arsenals that are always being “modernized” and the possible end of most life on Earth. It’s an issue worth...
義大利主力艦 Roma 在 1938 年 9 月 18 日於亞得里亞聯合工廠安放龍骨。她在 1940 年 6 月 9 日下水,但遲至 1942 年 6 月 14 日才加入義大利皇家海軍。Roma 是 Vittorio Veneto 級艦艇。為什麼突然提及義大利海軍呢?答案很簡單:《戰艦世界》將在軍械庫中舉辦活動,慶祝 Roma 安放龍骨的週年紀念!
The three ships of the Alaska Class were among the most confusing and curious designs of warships ever built for the US Navy. They had their genus in the early 1930s when the Germans deployed the Deutschland Class Pocket Battleships, which in reality were heavy cruisers with 11” guns designe...