我們在 2 月初宣布了 2022 年的計畫。自上一次發文至今已有幾個月,我們的許多構想都落實了。關於《戰艦世界》未來更動的詳細資訊已經就緒,另外也有些細節出現更動。是時候分享我們對 2022 下半年的開發計畫了! 請注意,本文所述資訊皆為初步規劃。所發布之更動和新內容可能會在測試期間調整數次。在每一輪的測試...
World of Warships, is bringing a long-awaited collection of Commonwealth cruisers to Early Access. This brand new line of ships is accompanied by a new Event Pass with two progression lines, with plenty of rewards to unlock along the way. Plus, the Piñata Hunt eve...
實況開始於:2月1日 上午06:00 PT (UTC-8)/ 您的當地時間: 2月1日 下午10:00 在未來半年中,您將有機會參與各種遊戲活動、體驗非標準的戰鬥編制,還可為您的個人艦隊加入新的艦艇。我們也正進行一些遊戲和介面上的改善。 明天我們將分享這些令人興奮的計畫的更多詳情,並回答玩家提問。請鎖定我們的 Twitch 頻道!
Introducing the navy to the concept of deathmatch, the controls are simple and welcoming but allow for interesting tactics in the submarine game. World of Warships is more fun than Total War’s pondering naval engagements, more approachable than Silent Hunter, and far deeper than the Pirates ...
We’re thrilled to officially welcome you to Age of Empires IV Season One: Festival of Ages – our first major update of 2022 – launching tomorrow morning Pacific Time, April 7th (Please check our social channels for exact timing)! As we shared with our updated roadmap, our view for the...
October 25th is right around the corner, and with it comes the Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition and the Season Three: Anniversary Update! We’re excited
crossover” bandwagon with anything that might make money whether or not the invading IP makes sense in that world. So we end up withEvangelioncoming intoTower of Fantasy,PorscheinOverwatch 2,The WitcherinLost Ark,Resident EvilinThe Division 2, and pretty much everything thatWorld of...
PUBG is not dead. The pioneer of battle royale still delivers up to date and even a beginner gets a free seat in the plane. Yes, after all those years what is left seems to be only relentless veterans – but with boldness and some deliberation you will get your chicken dinner eventually...
Have you read or heard in your news supplier of choice of the recent massive troop movements in Israel, the massive build up of British, French and American warships around the approaches to the Persian gulf or just how badly the situations in Egypt and Libya have deteriorated since ... ...
我们在2月初宣布了2022年的计划。自上一次发文至今已有几个月,我们的许多构想也已在游戏中实现。现在,我们将公布《战舰世界》的更多未来改动,以及一些细节上的变化。是时候分享2022下半年的开发计划了! 请注意,本文的所有内容都只是初步信息。我们宣布的所有改动和新内容都可能在测试期间经历调整。在每一轮的测试中...