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战舰世界 传奇 World of Warships: Legends PS5 / PS4
Поштовх 7 — PS5® World of Warships: Legends Essential UAH 0,00 WORLD OF WARSHIPS: LEGENDS Глобальні оцінкигравців 4.10Середняоцінка: 4.1 зп’ятизірокнаоснові 114405 оцінок ...
Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Warships. Action stations!
在World of Warships: Legends 中体验史诗般的海军战役,这是一款免费的全球多人在线游戏,在这里您可以掌控史上最伟大的战舰!雇佣传奇舰长,升级您的舰队,对战全球玩家争夺海上霸权。 类型:射击,模拟,策略,战术 视角:第三人称视角 版本:发行版本 扩展游戏
Community run database of commander ship builds for the console version of World of Warships. Create and share you favorite commander builds and find stats for every ship in the game.
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Experience epic naval action in World of Warships: Legends, a global multiplayer free-to-play online game in which you can master the seas on the decks of history's greatest warships! Recruit Legendary Commanders, upgrade your vessels, and stake your cla