when possible. Managed byWargaming, the client provides a repository of the game’s best mods in a single, easy-to-navigate location, with no need to dig around copious file directories to install that new battlecruiser camouflage you’ve fallen in love with. Each mod comes...
Complete enough combat missions and you’ll also earn yourself the stylish Roman permanent camouflage, complete with golden eagles, legionary shields adorning the hull of your vessel, a legion standard sticking up from its deck, and a giant, red Galea-style feathered helmet-plume standing proud a...
- updated some other mods specific to the CN client - udpated "Old school" interface icons - updated Functioning MS22 Camo Replacements - updated Historical unique commanders - updated All ships in vertical tech-tree by Ollin - re-added Torpedoes detection Indicator ...
正如我们之前宣布,夺冠的设计作品将会在游戏中实现,并且前10名作品的投稿人将会得到一艘加值战舰作为奖励。 我们精选了10大最受欢迎的投稿。现在轮到您来决定哪一个涂装将会在2022年秋季加入《战舰世界》了。 前往投票页面
- important info: the Side Panel mods, as well as combat mods that depend on the performance characteristics of ships (i.e. minimap AutoSpy or Battleframe, Info Panel Enemy, Lastomer etc.) will not return until the next version patch of the game client due to the lack of nece...