World of Warships Posted by QuoNiam on Oct 23rd, 2015 For those who play World of Warships and would dismiss the effectiveness of the newly added German cruisers, here are some battle result screenshots of a battle I had yesterday in my tier 2 Dresden cruiser: ...
World of Warships is expanding its horizons—link your account to Steam and carry over all of your progress! Sales & Events 03/06/2025 Remembrance of Ming's Past: Chapter 2 The second part of the adventure is here—don’t miss out!
Combat-wise, World of Warships is pretty much similar to the other games developed by Wargaming. In this game, each ship is given 2 different shell types to use. You’ll always need to aim ahead of the ships you’re targeting or you won’t ever get a hit. You’ll have to take in...
World of Warships Blog World of Warships by AethynaJul 14, 2015|1Votes |2Played |0ReviewsYour vote 9rate Genres: Action,MMO Graphics: 3D Labels: Ships,Modern Setting,Player vs Player (PvP) Platforms: Publishers: WargamingCommandeer your very own deadly warship into war in this exhilarating ...
(World of Warships Development Blog)更新消息ST超测,美巡、法驱,平衡性改动 - 美系Ⅸ级金币巡洋“阿拉斯加”改动在不改变总血量的情况下,对船体模块血量做出如下改动。船头:3300 ➡ 3600;炮塔:7600 ➡ 12600;上层建筑:3500 ➡ 3800;船尾:3900 ➡ 4300;由于较低的核心区,阿拉斯加可以避免大量的伤害,这和...
(World of Warships Development Blog)更新消息ST超测,日系战舰平衡性改动日本巡洋舰(古鹰、青叶、妙高、最上、伊吹、爱宕、ARP妙高、ARP那智、ARP足柄、ARP羽黑、ARP高雄、凤凰、昆仑)的203mm主炮的精准度得到提升,其精准度将和藏王相似。这一改动凸显了日系巡洋舰的主要特征之一:相对较低的主炮射速但是很出色的单...
原文链接: 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-10-06 11:13回复 薯条狮子 高雄级 9 rbq最爱的颜色 来自Android客户端2楼2020-10-06 11:19 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息...
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The World of Warships Blog has news that a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" test weekend is underway in World of Warships, allowing them to evaluate game balance in the upcoming MMO naval warfare game. They have links to the various place where it's possible to score a key, and offer the follow...
Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Warships. Action stations!