1/26:Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain One of Germany’s most feared weapons during World War I was its fleet of submarines that targeted ships with torpedoes. A Royal Navy volunteer reserve lieutenant, Norman Wilkinson, came up with a radical solution: Instead of trying to hide ships, make the...
TheWorld Eatersare one of theTraitor LegionsofChaos Space Marineswho now inhabit theWarp riftknown as theEye of Terrorin theImperium of Man'sSegmentum Obscurus. The World Eaters, originally known as theWar Hounds, were also once the XIIthLegion of the twentyFirst FoundingSpace Marine Legions, a...
As a result of this defeat, the Russians recognized they wouldn't beat NATO with traditional naval warfare and decided to focus their warship production almost exclusively on attack and cruise missile submarines. All new submarines and even many pre-existing ones were outfitted with technology ...
NATO ally Spain pulls warship from US strike group 'to avoid being dragged into conflict with Iran' Spain has withdrawn a frigate which was part of a US combat group traveling to the Persian Gulf to 'send a message' to Iran. Madrid has signaled that the operation falls outside of its ...
Round Two, however, was a naval battle, and here the Greek trireme proved itself the supreme warship of the age. It was faster than the enemy ships, not least because they were overloaded with a pretty useless bunch of land soldiers, hence also more manoeuverable, and its bronze ram made...
At the end of the 19th century, Jack Fisher—the head of the Admiralty and the head of the Royal Navy—advocated the conversion of the British Navy from coal-fired to oil-fired. That it would have a qualitative strategic improvement in every aspect of warship design. And since Britain didn...
is full of duplicity and moral ambiguity all committed in the name of security. I won’t go into the details because it is too full of twists, and turns, you can read the plot of the episode at Memory Alpha.orghttp://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Inter_Arma_Enim_Silent_Leges_%28episode...