Ever since its initial release in April 2019, Wargaming has been releasing gift codes that players can redeem for free rewards. The rewards go from whole ships to premium ammo and warship gear. So, we’ve gathered all World of Warships: Legends codes and listed them in one place for your...
Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower once warned against the risks of a world in arms. He said that every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who are hungry and are not fed, those who are cold and are ...
The Indian Navy’s largest warship, INS Vikramaditya, is also among the biggest aircraft carriers in the world. This 283.5-meter-long beam of 61 meters is a modified Kiev-class aircraft carrier that entered service in 2013. Previously served the Soviet Navy and the Russian Navy under Baku and...
Back at the motel, the hallway smelling of dank, a young kid stepped out of his room and wandered down the hall, wafting about him the smell of weed. As I fell asleep I thought of our young waitress. She was kind and approachable. I wanted to go back. I wanted to talk with her ...
Working from a diving bell between 1663-1665 Albrecht von Treileben successfully managed to salvage cannons and treasure from the sunken Flagship Galleon,Vasa, a warship which flopped over in Stockholm’s harbor immediately into its maiden voyage in 1628. ...
At the end of the 19th century, Jack Fisher—the head of the Admiralty and the head of the Royal Navy—advocated the conversion of the British Navy from coal-fired to oil-fired. That it would have a qualitative strategic improvement in every aspect of warship design. And since Britain didn...