Bring your friends to Azeroth, adventure together and earn epic rewards. Receive special in-game benefits and perks in the all-new program, from game time to mounts and pets when your friends join the fight for Azeroth Learn More Follow Warcraft...
转发动态//@淋雨不想走:1. 打开魔兽文件夹,找到 World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\ 文件2. 右键在记事本中编辑3. 随便新开一行,中间加也可以,加到最后一行也可以:SET disableAutoRealmSelect "1"4. 重新打开魔兽,会发现现在没有自动进入默认服务器了,选择一
《魔獸世界》(World of Warcraft、簡稱WoW或魔獸),是著名的遊戲公司暴風雪公司(Blizzard Entertainment)所製作的一款大型多人在線角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)。 本遊戲是除《魔獸爭霸》資料片以及被取消的《魔獸爭霸:魔族王子》(Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans)之外,魔獸爭霸系列的第四款遊戲。從暴風雪公司於1994年...
如果想不進入遊戲直接編輯你的宏, 請找到你的電腦上World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<账户名>\macros-cache.txt文件,即可使用其他的文字編輯器進行編輯。 (記事本可能不能正常編輯這個TXT文件.) 要編輯你的角色專用宏,請找到你的...\Account\<账户名>\<服务器名>\<角色名>\macros-cache.txt文件,然後使用同樣...
If this doesn't help delete all (there are more than one) Recount.lua files in your WTF directory. Q: I don't see details when I click the recount bar, how to fix?A: /recount resetpos Q: I don't see my pets, totems, gargoyles, guardians, Why?A: Check the config window (cog...
Update to my update. You need to manually change the located in the "World Of Warcraft/WTF" folder. About the 5th line down depending on your config it will say "SET gxApi "D3D11" You just need to change it to "SET gxApi "D3D9" Working on adding this into the script....
wtf happened to resto durids? i’ve been asking this week one of the expansion. In a way, I sort of saw my in-game punishment as a way for Blizzard to shield my precious eyes from seeing the depressing state of restoration druid. Literally first week/second week I was trying to heal...
Repairs warcraft install (No errors found) Deleted WTF, Interface & Cache Disabling Game DVR (Xbox & Geforce) Compatibility mode (Windows 7) Full reinstall of the game Disabled XMP in Bios Ran Memtest (No errors) Removed nvidia Geforce Experience Removed drivers & fresh installed them (531.29)...