If your sounds addon is less than ~1.1GB, the installation has failed. Manually download the zip from: https://github.com/mrthinger/wow-voiceover/releases/latest Support To support the development of this addon or simply say thanks, please contribute by clicking the donate button. Source Code...
Listen to a sampling of lines on Youtube. US English male voiceover (VO) pack for DeadlyBossMods (DBM) addon for World of Warcraft. Recorded and mastered by a Real Human ™️ (no AI generation)! Watch my stream and request your own lines! -twitch.tv/battlebrisket Make sounds louder ...
I downloaded this addon (Voiceover(Classic)) and tried it the moment I saw it. I have suggested using AI for voiceover before and I thought the TTS we got in shadowlands would be it but it was sadly very poor compared t…
Discover the Best WoW Addons on CurseForge - Enhance your World of Warcraft experience with free addons that customize UI, visuals, and more
Out of a mood and curiosity whatever happened to world building in games since 2008 I thought it would be cool to take up World of Warcraft where I left it back then. I tried Classic before but for the experience of, well, Classic 1-60. I didn’t make it past level 20 or so. ...
Musician has several issues that are due to limitations of the World of Warcraft API. Unfortunately, these can't be fixed but there are some tricks you can do to work around them: The volume of the music played with Musician can't be adjusted. Reduce the Master volume if it's too loud...
Latest World of Warcraft AddOns for Patch 10.x WowMatrix saves you hours of time. Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily: ...
The SlackerTracker addon is a tool designed to help the player (best used by raid leaders and officers) track certain behaviors of other raid members during raids or events in World of Warcraft. It focuses on identifying potential slackers based on their actions, or lack of, and gives a "...
Latest World of Warcraft AddOns for Patch 10.x WowMatrix saves you hours of time. Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily: ...
This is the main reference page for the WoW UI Lua API available to user Macros and AddOns. This is the API available during normal game play. See also WoW Glue API. The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of Lua functions and facilities provided