Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Race Guide, Below we rank the best races for PVP, PVE and even for each Class Spec. We also detail all the Racial Traits that are unique to each race and what they do, this will help you better understand why we rank them so highly or poorly...
The time has come to see who will be the first to battle to the heart of Chrome King Gallywix’s stronghold in the Gallagio and take him down! BeginningTuesday, March 4, 2025,the top World of Warcraft guilds will race through the formidable challenges that await in the Liberation of Unde...
Raceis a term used inWorld of Warcraftto split various unique creatures into separate groups. Numerous races populateAzerothincludingelves,trolls,human,orcs,gnomes, andmurlocs, among many others. Many races can interbreed includinghumans,high elves,night elves,ogres,orcs, anddraenei— producing offsprin...
Undermine Breaknecking: Bronze Complete all normal Breakneck races in Undermine. 10 points. Account Wide. D.R.I.V.E. Engine: the Pozzik Standard. 10 points. Account Wide. The War Within Delves Delver's Dirigible Recovery (New) Has completed quest Ship it! and does not have mount. Accoun...
In addition to all the races you can play as inWorld of Warcraft, the game also features a few that are exclusive to NPCs—so far, at least. Among them are races like the Tuskarr, only found in Northrend and the Dragon Isles. And when you start looking into characters from the origina...
Night Elves are a close second when it comes to Alliance races inWoW, with an estimated 12% of the class choosing the nocturnal humanoids. Night Elves are an importantpart ofWorld ofWarcraft's lore, playing a crucial role in the War of the Ancients and doing so again during the Third Wa...
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Races inWorld of Warcraftexplained Image via Blizzard Entertainment There are 13 different classes inWoW, and all but three of them have three specializations (specs). Demon Hunters and Evokers have just two specs. Meanwhile, Druids have four specs with one for each role—healer, tank, melee...
World of Warcraft RoleplayWiki 1,107 pages Explore WoWRP Community in: Races Troll Category pageSign in to edit This is a list of trolls. Trending pages Dzivah All items (11) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Troll D Doth'th...