Option to display only the quest details pane of the quest log when left-clicking a quest.(Alt left click to get the full quest log panel) Ctrl left-click a quest to set it as the active quest for blizzards minimap tracker, (Dugi arrow support) ...
This is a very lightweight and simple addon that tracks hidden quest/achievements progress. It simply tracks a series of quests (by the ID's) that doesn't show up in the quest list or the quest tracker. No more need to run macros like: "/run local a={45470,47207,47208,47209,47210,...
World Quest Tracker Version: v8.2.5.384by: Tercioo [More] Adds a custom tracker, you can manage which quests you want to do. List quests directly at the Broken Isles map. Changes the quest icon on zone maps. Quests you are currently tracking are shown on your fly map for ease of ...
World Quest Tracker is an addon that introduces temporary daily quests to the people who keep on playing World of Warcraft game. You will be able to take a break from the outdated map interface that you can find in World of Warcraft, once you start playing the game with this addon. In ...
Hide Quest Tracker - Init... by devopsmage My new forge! by ZelionGG Bugfixes by Aur0r4 AddOn Comments I haven't noticed anything extreme... in Roth UI (Diablo) Galaxy's Revival No Lua errors so far. I'm surprised si...
Quest Tracking Addon for World of Warcraft. Contribute to Aiue/AQT development by creating an account on GitHub.
Latest World of Warcraft AddOns for Patch 10.x WowMatrix saves you hours of time. Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily: ...
The SlackerTracker addon is a tool designed to help the player (best used by raid leaders and officers) track certain behaviors of other raid members during raids or events in World of Warcraft. It focuses on identifying potential slackers based on their actions, or lack of, and gives a "...
The most popular addons for World of Warcraft Achievements NPCScan 57,924,535 RareScanner 39,380,831 TomCat’s Tours (now includes DragonFlight Dragon Flying Glyphs, Lunar Festival Elders, and Love is in the Air) 23,117,688 _NPCScan.Overlay 20,719,338 TomCat’s Tours (now includes Zer...
This is an addon for World of Warcraft Vanilla (1.12) and The Burning Crusade (2.4.3). It helps players to find several ingame objects and quests. The addon reads questobjectives, parses them and uses its internal database to plot the found matches on the world- and minimap. It ships...