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ElvUI mMediaTag & Tools is a plugin for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft, which is used in combination with the ElvUI user interface. It extends ElvUI with a variety of media files such as textures, fonts and icons as well as some handy tools to enhance the gaming experience. Prere...
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The Alliance has throughout the Warcraft story remained the only force that can match up to the Horde. These two factions have warred several times with their predecessors (Old Horde, Alliance of Lordaeron) having clashed together in the First, Second, and Third Wars. In the Fourth War, the...
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World of Warcraft Forums OCE & World Latency Support Technical Support Pazu-khazgoroth (Pazu) December 2, 2023, 3:53am 1 Yes, i am OCE and this only happens when connected to NA Servers; Battlegrounds, LFR and LFG.Issues started with the Launch of 10.2...