Champions new or returning to World of Warcraft and The War Within who want to know more cantake a tour of the Trading Postto learn everything you need to know, from where to find it to how you can earn additional Trader's Tender through the Traveler's Log. Twitch Drop: Get Tock the...
Proof of this? Lol. “it’s game destroying!” Retail World of Warcraft is your proof of this. Anyhow - a quick scroll through the forums reveals that it only seems to be the same three or four people complaining on here, and I’m not seeing any complaining in game, so I don’t...
Reddit and X are are some of the most notorious places for trolls to toll. I agree ignoring them is the best solution, but why swim in that pool to begin with. But here we have a forum run by the owners of the game, and the developers choose to not interact with us. It’s a ...
Scammers have been using a malicious script for the WeakAuras add-on to steal from World of Warcraft players.
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) Ever since World of Warcraft Classic launched, I've been burning a significant amount of time in Azeroth. While the game is no longer as pop...
The World of Warcraft Classic team answered questions submitted by fans at the latest Reddit AMA. These were the developers and community manager in attendance: /u/AltruisWoW– Executive Producer /u/Chromschi– Senior Game Producer /u/Pazorax– Lead Software Engineer ...
World of Warcraft Good Morning Folks. I hope that I am coming out of the worst parts of Covid hell. Today is the first day I am going to attempt to put in a full day’s work. What is so fucked about this illness is how wildly it impacts different people. Essentially my wife ...
Now Might Be The Best Time To Earn One Of WoW's Most Coveted Mounts Players on Reddit are sharing their success after earning Invincible during this week's Timewalking event. World Of Warcraft Waze Collab Lets Horde Warchief Thrall Guide You On Your Travels ...
Apparently, according to game director Ion Hazzikostas, mob scaling in Battle for Azeroth works the way it did in Legion as well, and, in fact, the way it has worked since the days of The Burning Crusade, which was World of Warcraft’s first ever expansion. “The way the outdoor world...
Redditor Fumbleturkey has been lately playing around with WeakAuras in first person and the results lead to truly immersive gameplay. WeakAuras have really great potential when it comes to first-person gameplay in World of Warcraft, and if you don't believe that, Fumbleturkey has two...