Travel deep into the goblin city of Undermine, the capital of the goblin’s trade empire! It is a city like no other seen before in World of Warcraft and stands as a testament to goblin intelligence and creativity as experts in both technology and alchemy. As our adventures continue, we’...
yes - i farm too many obsidian shards from WvW reward tracks, i need to convert them into something useful 60 no - i never have enough obsidian shards 14 yes - but only if the converter gives useful loot, not burn tons of obsidian for 50 copper junk 58 no - the converter wil...
This includes Glowing Chtin Armor Kit, Sharpened Silithid Chitin Armor Kit, Tuned Force Reactive Disk, Obsidian Scope, Enchanted Stopwatch, Tear of the Dreamer, Lodestone of Retaliation, Totem of Flowing Magma, Totem of Pyroclastic Thunder, Totem of Thunderous Strikes, Enchanted Totem, Qiraji Silk ...
Dragonflight Season 2 begins the week of May 9. Players will be able to gather their allies and breach Neltharion’s secret laboratory in Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulty.The new season also brings a new PvP Ladder, increased item level gear, and new rewards: Arena title: "Obsidi...
Dargonax was a twilight dragon created by Sintharia, who regarded the mighty creature as her child. He appears in the World of Warcraft novel Night of the Dragon.
It is a city like none other seen before in World of Warcraft and stands as a testament to goblin intelligence and creativity as experts in both technology and alchemy. As our adventures continue, we’ll learn more about goblin culture and society that we have never been able to see before...
World of Warcraft Hotfixes: July 6, 2023 Blizzard Entertainment Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the ...
Black dragonkin are sometimes referred to as obsidian or onyx. The scales of the black dragonflight almost always retain their heat.[1] HistoryCharge of the DragonflightsThis section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.Satisfied...
This page contains a collection of often wondered questions concerning the Warcraft setting. This page is only intended to gather questions commonly asked by the Warcraft community to the creative developers, had they the chance. Responses to these quest
Fan Central Current Preceded by: Ner'zhul(alone) Lich King of the Scourge (conjoined spirits withArthas)Succeeded by: Arthas Menethil(alone)