KeyUI is a powerful tool that allows you to visualize and customize your keyboard, mouse, and controller bindings directly within World of Warcraft. Whether you’re revisiting an old character, starting fresh, or optimizing your gameplay, KeyUI helps you manage and adjust your bindings with ease...
This is an addon for key bindings in World of Warcraft. It allows you to assign keys for different spells, items, macros and more. This addon is meant to work alongside WoW’s default key binding UI, not replace it. I use WoW's key binding UI for basic stuff like movement and openin...
Powerful key binding tool for World of Warcraft. Contribute to Lombra/SpellBinding development by creating an account on GitHub.
key1, key2, ... = GetBindingKey(command) Argumentseditedit sourcecommand The name of the command to get key bindings for (e.g. MOVEFORWARD, TOGGLEFRIENDSTAB)Returnseditedit source(Variable returns) key1 string - The string representation(s) of all the key(s) bound to this command (e....
Not sure if this happens in retail or not, but in Classic Era as of the new UI you can no longer see the interface to set keybinds for action bars unless they’re enabled. Repro: Options → Action Bars Enable Action Bar 2 through Action Bar 5. Options → Keybindings Observe that the...
This is the main reference page for the WoW UI Lua API available to user Macros and AddOns. This is the API available during normal game play. See also WoW Glue API. The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of Lua functions and facilities provided
KeyUI Version: v3.1.4by: Blandros [More] KeyUI - Visualize and Customize Your Key Bindings KeyUI is a powerful tool that allows you to visualize and customize your keyboard, mouse, and controller bindings directly within World of Warcraft. Whether you’re revisiting an old character, ...
A hotkey is a key on the keyboard which activates something within a system. Specific to World of Warcraft, a hotkey activates abilities or skills, opens panes, begins or ends automatic actions, or, in general, performs whatever it has been scripted to do. 'Binding' and 'keybinding' ...
I did find a fix, if you exit the game then on your machine go to C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account\accountname\server\ and I just deleted every folder except the 1 for my one good character. Restart the game and everything seems to be working for everyone now....
World of Warcraft is a third-person MMORPG made by Blizzard Entertainment. The game is set in the Warcraft series of games, and is the first game released in the series not to be a RTS game. The game was released November 23, 2004 in North America. In the week of launch, Realm (...