Old Role Icons This puts back the old role icons from pre 10.1.5 when the small icons were changed to be hard to see, I think there is just a scaling issue with the new icons that Blizzard will probably fix in the future. It doesn't currently change the bigger icons because they loo...
Welcome! JiberishUI Icons adds 5 Custom Icon Packs with unique handcrafted Class Icons for each class! More to come 8) You can access this addon in game with the command /ji or /jiberishicons Check the screenshots for how to use the addon and get some inspiration for your setup!
Warcraft Font Merger,魔兽世界字体合并/补全工具。 opentypeworld-of-warcraft UpdatedJul 1, 2024 C Upscaled icon pack for World of Warcraft. iconsworld-of-warcraft UpdatedFeb 26, 2025 WoWAnalyzer/WoWAnalyzer Star536 WoWAnalyzer is a tool to help you analyze and improve your World of Warcraft raidi...
ElvUI mMediaTag & Tools is a plugin for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft, which is used in combination with the ElvUI user interface. It extends ElvUI with a variety of media files such as textures, fonts and icons as well as some handy tools to enhance the gaming experience. Prere...
魔兽世界(World Of Warcraft) Albook扩展-811-图标(Albook-extended-811-icons) 魔兽世界(world of warcraft wow) 水车(HYDROPRO) 49款 魔兽世界网络游戏1 作品集:矢量图标库102890张 众创未来 1年前 魔兽世界网络游戏5 作品集:矢量图标库102890张
There are a number of new Mysterious items (armor and potions) added in this build as well. Patch 11.1.5 Development Notes Blizzard has posted the Development Notes for Build 59571. New Models We're showcasing some of the more interesting new models in this patch: New Icons New Enchants...
There are a number of new Mysterious items (armor and potions) added in this build as well. Patch 11.1.5 Development Notes Blizzard has posted the Development Notes for Build 59571. New Models We're showcasing some of the more interesting new models in this patch: New Icons New Enchants...
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魔兽世界(World Of Warcraft) Albook扩展-811-图标(Albook-extended-811-icons) 魔兽世界(world of warcraft wow) 水车(HYDROPRO) 49款 魔兽世界网络游戏1 作品集:矢量图标库102890张 众创未来 1年前 魔兽世界网络游戏5 作品集:矢量图标库102890张
1. SetIcons Shownto2. 2. SetQueued Icon Sizeto30. A display like the above can be created by going to/hekili>Displays>SpecializationPrimary>UI and Styleand adjusting the following: 1. SetIcons Shownto5. 2. SetQueue DirectiontoUp.