- Left-Click "TotesEmotes" in the Addon Compartment (the new menu Blizzard added in Dragonflight to the upper right corner of the minimap).- Type `/totes open`- Create a keybind in the Blizzard config screens**Q:** How do I access the Totes Emotes Configuration Screen? **A:** Any...
This WoW addon allows you to store and quickly play your personnal emotes or built-in emotes. Emotes are displayed in a scrollable and resizable list. Main emotes list: Click on the list title to display a local dropdown menu with more options. Shortcut: double-click on the list title t...
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft by uniting the realms of Azeroth and Future Earth in style with this epic crossover event! From September 17-30, witness the worlds collide as iconic World of Warcraft characters are honored by Overwatc
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft by uniting the realms of Azeroth and Future Earth in style with this epic crossover event! From 17-30 September, witness the worlds collide as iconic World of Warcraft characters are honored by Overwatc
Last but not least, you can now link your PvP and Mythic+ ratings in chat with Shift-click, like you would with items. Improving accessibility In World of Warcraft for all players is an ongoing effort, and we look forward to bringing more updates on it in the future....
Shows Twitch emotes in your chat by typing them as you would into Twitch. This addon does not access the Twitch API and thus emotes have to be added manually. You can mouseover emotes to see their name & shift-click them to link as items. This can also be toggled on & off in your...
You can access the emote menu by clicking the minimap icon or by typing/emote Have fun seeing and using all the emotes so rarely utilized! Source code:EmoteMenu TODO: Add search Add sort Add dropdowns Add options menu.
- Right-Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the TotesEmotes window. - Type `/totes config` **Q:** How do I close the menu? **A:** Press Escape, shift-enter, delete, or click the "Emotes" button **Q:** How do I clear the search term?
联盟(Alliance)/矮人表情的声音(Dwarf Emote Voices)/矮人表情(Dwarf Emotes)/矮人女(DwarfFemale) x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 矮人女叹息01(DwarfFemaleSigh01) 矮人女打哈欠01 ...
Overview Welcome to EmoteLDB! This is a DataBroker port of my old addon,EmoteFu. It is meant to give players an easily accessible menu of emotes. The emotes have been sorted by category (ie. Friendly", "Hostile", etc) to make it quite simple to quickly access the emote you want. E...